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There's something in the store for yall😉😉 Have funnn!!!

Also...2 or 3 more chapters to go!❤



Riddles in life are like
The thoughts in our mind.
One of them is love,
The toughest riddle.

But I solved it....because of you.


"This will work right?" You asked Jungkook as you created the portal to Tereath. You made it as everyone there, surrounding you, looked at you and your self made portal, expectantly. They were your friends, and some soldiers and Jayden. Jevik and Jungkook's father decided to stay there to handle the leftover bad-situations as they 'good lucked' Jungkook and there was no sign of Riddlfen as always.

Jevik and his father had said that they would help you triumph over Tereath, to change his manipulating system. And Teran was a bastard. They said. And he was the main master of manipulation. 'You will see.' Were Jevik's exact words. And then all your past was explained to your friends.

"Yes." Jungkook spoke and smiled as finally you learned such an important power that was to make portals.

"Ok." You said and the portal opened and you directed everyone to enter the land. The land, forest where you had stepped with Yoongi.

"Everyone please enter here!" Jungkook exclaimed and everyone followed him. After they went inside, you took a deep sigh and entered Tereath and the portal vanished as soon as you entered.

"3...." You spoke and look around at your surroundings.

"What?" Jungkook asked, confused.


"What?" He frowned as he asked.

"1! Everyone duck down now!" You shouted and they ducked down immediately upon your call as a bright brown light went flying at a great speed, in the sky. Everyone looked at it with bewildered expressions on as they had no idea of it.

You chuckled at their reaction.

"I know Tereath. Very nicely." You said and walked towards the edge of the forest.

"He must be in the hell prison." Jayden spoke.

"Hell prison?" Jin asked.

"Yeah hell prison. A person who cant fly cant meet the prisoner. And, a person who can fly has to do something, that I can't remember." You spoke and tried hard to remember about that 'something'. You knew Tereath very well as you remembered how your mother used to tell you about Tereath and your aunt Yuna and his son. She never told his name though.

"Riddles. What else?" Jayden said. And it clicked your mind.

Ah yes! Riddles! Riddlefen used to work there! Well, he might be doing it then too! He could help you straight away without giving riddles.

"Don't you dare think that I won't give you riddles." His voice came from the sky and you looked up and saw him flying. Right then you thought of a saying, 'Think of the devil and devil is there.' Well Riddlefen was no less than a devil, a devil of riddles though.

"I always do my work properly," He said as he crossed his arms and then he flew over to the castle.

"Come and save him, if you can solve the riddles."

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