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Tears and Love

Love blooms just like the tears.
But they are not the same.


One is too painful,
The other is too good to be true

And you merged them.



Aiva's P.O.V.-

The powerful pull of that bloody hole was enough to pull me inside it, like some sort of teleportation.

My legs slowly transformed back to their original shape and so was I, back to my grey oversized shirt and black pants.

After the devastating and head throbbing ride, we finally reached a place as the hole threw me out from it.

Jungkook was there too.

I landed on a ground on my back and as Jungkook came after me, he landed over me. I glanced up at see him as he directly looked into my eyes, piercing my soul.

Shit, damn.

But he retreated back as soon as realisation hit him.

"I am sorry." He spoke.

"Its not your fault though." I said as he helped me to stand back on my legs but my head was throbbing awfully. The ride was literally obnoxious.

"Huh, where are we?" I looked up to greet a new atmosphere, a whole new kingdom which I had never seen before.

It was beautiful.

I could see the huge castle with three attached buildings, which stood on a high ground, far from us. Before it was a large water body whose source was the waterfalls coming from the mountains of which the ground where we stood, was a part of. The waterfalls actually fell on a large bridge on my right, which was attached the main town next to the mountain and the capital on the other hand of tbe bridge, and pored down to the water body that surround the whole kindgom.
I saw that the people easily flew across the large bridge, through the waterfall.
On my left were small bridges made of grass. When the people passed through it, it glowed and flowers bloomed in the green beneath their footsteps and glitters following its trail.

The place was alluring, where I could stay for the rest of my life. I swore.

"Well..." Jungkook decided to speak up as he came in front of me and continued, "Welcome to the kingdom of lights, Lumis." He bowed.

I couldn't believe that this place was from where he belonged to.

It was beautiful, indeed.

"Wow. Its beautiful." I said.

"I know right?" He said proudly.

"So what do we do now?" I asked as realisation hit me that we had gotten separated from the rest.

"Uhm, let's stay here for some days and by the time being, we will find a way to go back. Ok?" Jungkook asked.

"Yup." I nodded.

"So let me show you ma kingdom!" He exclaimed and out of a sudded pulled me by my hand.

"Let's go!" He squealed and started running like a little boy. My footsteps teied to match his giggling face.

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