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[ ] = George Communicating

Third Person POV

Miho: Hi mom.

Shino: Hello Miho, is something wrong? Because if not I have a lot on my plate so I need to get back to work soon.

Miho begins to shake as her mouth slowly opens. George puts his hand and grasped Miho's calming her down.

Miho: Uhm mom. Would you be mad if I told you I had a boyfriend?

Shino was quiet for a couple of seconds before taking a deep breath.

Shino: No I would not, unless he does Tankerey. If he does tankerey then you know my answer.

Miho: But......what if I really love him?

Miho heard Shino suck in a breath through her teeth before speaking in the phone again.

Shino: Miho......what did you do?

Miho: Well, I have.....a boyfriend.

Shino: *sigh* and by the way you're talking, he does tankerey as well. Doesn't he?

Miho: Well...

Miho could hear her mother shaking with anger and her eyes widen with fear.

Shino: Who is he?

Miho looks at George with a scared look in her eyes. George saw her face and put on his best brave face and nodded.

Miho: H-his name is George McClellan.

There was a moment of silence before Shino took a breath again.

Shino: I see....

Miho: Mother?


Miho took the phone away from her ear in a panic as George's eyes widened.

George (thought): That escalated quickly.

The sound of metal snapping is heard through the phone quickly followed by deep breathing. George and Miho looked at each other is shock as Miho slowly puts the phone back to her ear.

Miho: M-Mother?

Shino: He is George McClellan.......right? The Commander of the brand new Iron Cross All Boys High School Tankerey team?

Miho: Y-yes.

Shino: He is also the one in the hospital?

Miho: Yes.

Shino: ok...

Silence followed and Miho's grip tightened on George's hand. George looked At Miho with the best calm face he could muster however soon Shino's voice came back on the phone.

Shino: Alright....

Miho and George looked at each other in confusion. Miho then turns back to the phone with a question on her lips.

Miho: Mom?

Shino: Alright. You may have your relationship.

Miho's eye widened and a smile begin to grow on her face.

Shino: However!

Miho stopped and held her breath as the emotional roller coaster of a phone call continues to tug at her heart strings.

Shino: You may not have an other friends from America, that is my final word. Break it and George must be separated from you. Understood?

Miho: Y-yes mother.

Shino: Good, have a good day.

The phone hangs up and Miho slowly puts her phone down. George looks at her with a worried face and started to write on a piece of paper. He was cut off by a tearful hug from Miho as she began to sob with joy.

Miho: We're ok, we're really ok...

George smiled and hugged back, the two continued to hug until a voice is heard from the door. Miho and George looked to see the Anglerfish Crew, the school commanders, and the crew for Geroge's tank. Miho nodded and a cheer rings throughout the hospital as the couple now sigh with relief and smiled for the hopefully brighter future.

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