Until Someone Loses their Cool

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Inside the cathedral, the late morning light filters in through the windows and the massive hole on the wall. All the residents are still busy, Coco checking her inventory, Rin and Io playing games, Oliver, (Y/N) and Alice about to have a conversation.

Alice: Go again? Where are you going?

(Y/N): Back out there. That is, as soon as the others come back.

Alice: Now that you mention it, why were you out there?

(Y/N): Here we go again...

(Y/N): I'm helping these good revenants in their expeditions.

Alice: But don't you think you'd be safer in a shelter?

Oliver: That's what we all said, but he simply refused the offer.

While the conversation was developing, (Y/N) grabbed his sword from the armory and headed to the punching bag near the entrance. Taking a few practice swings to warm up, he notices the other two followed him there.

Oliver: Now that she mentioned it, you never did give us your reasoning for joining them.

(Y/N) lets out a sigh at the remark, and starts swinging at the dummy with the back of the blade as to not cut it up.

(Y/N): Since when do we need reasons to help out?

Alice: Ever since it became too dangerous to stay outside for an evening. If you guys hadn't found me then, I'd be dead for sure.

(Y/N): I can handle myself most of the time, so consider me an exception.

Oliver: Like the time we found you underground with a busted ankle?

(Y/N): I fell down a hole with a giant lost, give me a break.

Oliver: Or when a slime took your sword and we had to save you.

(Y/N): I could have outrun it. Also, I wouldn't be in that situation if it weren't for you hitting me in the face with a door.

Alice: They hit you with a door?

Oliver: We met in a special place, let's leave it at that.

???: And you had to run from the butterfly back in the city.

(Y/N): Okay, if you expect me to deal with that kinda shit then you're... Hold up.

Turning around, (Y/N) is met with the three revenants back from their expedition. All looking tired and dirty, but thanks to the mistle not wounded.

(Y/N)'s POV

Alice: How did you come in without us hearing the door?

Yakumo: We used the mistle. Now, why are we dissing (Y/N)?

Oliver: Alice thinks he should be in a shelter.

Luca: That's a very popular opinion around here.

Louis: You were the first to accept him joining us. I'm still curious as to why. Hey Murasame, can you take care of our equipment?

From the other side of the room, Rin yells back an "Okay" and comes to collect the weapons and veils.

Yakumo: So, why do you tag along again?

(Y/N): C'mon, you too? I helped a lot in the city, didn't I?

Luca: But the last place we explored would have been too much for you.

Yakumo: Lots and lots of large lost, also some annoying gunners.

Louis: Not to mention the landscape, you could fall to your death at almost any time in the trenches.

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