freddy f.~pushing me away pt.3

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Y/N POV: I swore I saw tears in the blue ones eyes. The man turned to the superhero's. This is what he must be talking about. I thought to myself.
"Well well well...I thought you'd never show." The villain grinned.
"Leave her alone." The red superhero said sternly. The blue superhero still kept his eyes on me. He stepped more to the right, making his way towards me quietly but the villain noticed. The villain quickly raised his hand towards the blue one, sending him crashing into the wall.
"FREDDY!" The purple one screamed. Freddy? I thought to myself but my thoughts were interrupted by the blue one standing up and quickly flying towards the villain, throwing a punch at his face but the man gripped his fist and smirked.
"You really think it's that easy." He said before throwing Freddy against a different wall once again. This time all the hero's walked towards the man and began to throw punches. I couldn't see much since my vision began to blur and my eyes fell shut.
My eyes flew open with a gasp that slipped from my lips but I didn't hear much of a sound. I looked around again and I was still here, tied up. The only thing that has changed was, Freddy and his family were tied up too, each one of them with their mouth tapped shut. I tried to speak but I noticed my mouth was tapped too. I had also just now noticed that Freddy was looking at me, struggling to get out of his restraints, blood dripping from his wrists and ankles from trying to slip past the ropes. I tried to tell him to stop but it only came through as a muffled mumble. He stopped what he was doing and just looked at me, regret filling his eyes, as if he was saying sorry for what he had done. I nodded, as if to let him know that I still loved him as much as I did before, before all this had happened. Our silent conversation was interrupted by the villain suddenly walking in again.
"Hmmm i've seen that you have finally woken up." He clapped his hands together, starring at me with a grin. Freddy was now again trying to get out of the ropes.
"Well who's first?" He smiled, looking around the room. His eyes landed on a terrified Darla.
No. He wouldn't. I thought to myself. He walked towards the crying, silenced girl.
"You." He said, now standing in front of Darla so his back faced my face. Everyone was trying to scream through their bond mouths. He ran his hand through her hair, pulling it back roughly, causing a muffled shriek to slip from the girls mouth. We all screamed louder. He pulled a metal, sharp object from the pocket of his long jacket and pressed the sharp knife against her neck. More tears fell from Darlas eyes. This time I screamed louder, louder then the others and violently pulled on my restraints causing the chair to lift and bang against the pavement floor. He pulled the knife from her neck and turned my way.
"Well someone is anxious!" He grinned again, creeping towards me. I stopped what I was doing, looking at the sick man. I heard Freddy yelling and kicking around in the chair. He stood over me, making me feel a wave of helplessness and terror flood over me. He ran his rough fingers against my chin and slowly made his way up my face. He quickly ripped the tap from my mouth, causing me to gasp.
"Any last words?" He chuckled.
"W-why?" Was all I could manage to spit out.
"Why? Why?!" He yelled, slapping me across my face, sending my face flying to the side.
"Didn't I already tell you, stupid girl." He gripped my chin tightly so I faced him, sending pain all throughout my face.
"You didn't tell them why." I muttered, trying to buy time from my own death. He let go of my face harshly and turned around, to face my boyfriend and his family. He made his way over to Freddy.
"You. You killed everyone. My family! The love of my life. Now, you get to watch as I kill them in front of your pathetic ass." He said sternly, glaring at Freddy. Freddy glared back. The villain turned quickly on his heels and walked back over to me, stepping in front of me and placing the knife on the tender neck. I hissed at the sharp point on my sensitive skin.
"Last words?" He said to me. I slowly took my gaze off the man about to take my life and I turned to Freddy. Tears fell from his eyes as he kicked and screamed at the man, but nothing came out besides muffled noises.
"Freddy...listen to me." I said as a tear fell down my cheek, brushing through the dried blood that covered the side of my head. "It's gonna be ok alright? I'll be ok. I promise. I love you so much. So so much." I smiled through sobs. I could almost hear what he would have said. His cheeks turned red from the rivers of tears that fell from his eyes and hit his shirt. His expression full of guilt and pain. "This isn't  your fault. I need you to know that." I said, as more tears fell. All I could think of was all the moments I would miss. I wish I could tell Freddy everything I needed to say but I didn't have enough time. I kept my eyes on my love, I put on a slight smile of comfort towards the boy.
"Times up." The villain whispered. He pressed the blade into my neck slightly, causing me to shriek in pain and terror. I heard everyone's muffled screams as he pushed deeper in, causing blood to roll down my neck. I closed my eyes, ready for him to hit the spot that would end my life but it all stopped as I heard someone yell "SHAZAM!" I opened my eyes to see the man had turned towards Freddy who wasn't my Freddy anymore. He was the blue superhero. Without hesitation, Freddy flew at the man, hitting him in the chest. They flew through the wall of the building, revealing the outside light. I heard more crashing and bangs from outside that I couldn't make out since I was still losing blood. About 5 minutes later it all stopped. I heard someone yell "SHAZAM!" once again and my Freddy ran inside of the house and towards his siblings, untying Billy and telling him to untie the others as he rushed over to me and undid the ropes. He lifted me up and the second I was standing I fell into his arms and clung to his bloody shirt as I stained it with my tears.
"Please never leave me again." I said repeatedly as I buried my bruised face into his chest, feeling nothing but safeness and love.
"Never again. Never." Freddy whispered repeatedly into my ear as he held onto my waist, holding me tightly to his chest as he ran his hand through my hair and kissed my forehead. I felt myself drift into a sleep and I completely passed out in his arms.
Awhile later:
My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up in the bed I was laying in. A pain shot through my body and I placed my hand on my head. I looked around and noticed I was in Freddy's bed.
"Hey hey. Lay down." Freddy suddenly appeared next to the bottom bunk. I laid back down and he placed a cold rag on my head, almost immediately calming my nerves, almost enough to make my head ache go away.
"You're alright." His words soothed me as he sat down on the bed, next to me. He placed his soft hand on my cheek and rubbed it slightly with his thumb, a smile cracked on his face. His eyes got teary as he starred at me.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. I thought I could protect you by ending things but look what happened. I'm so sorry. It's all my faul-." He mumbled but I cut him off by sitting up and placing my lips on his. He kissed back and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I pulled away and leaned my forehead on his.
"It's not your fault. I'm ok now. I'm ok." I reassured him. He smiled again and I laid back down. He set the rag down on the side table next to the bed and placed his hand on mine.
"I better go tell my mom you're awake." He said, moving to get up but I grabbed his arm before he could stand up all the way. He started at me with concerned eyes.
"Stay. Please." I said softly. He simply smiled and I moved over and he laid down next to me. He wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling me to his chest. I looked up at him as I ran my hand through his curls.
"I really love you Y/N. Just know that I won't let anything ever happen to you again." He said quietly.
"I love you Freddy." I said back. I buried my face into his neck as he drew shapes on my back with his finger, causing me to slowly fade into sleep as I listened to his heart beat, knowing I was safe. My life with you isn't over yet.

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