Chapter 5

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School was EXCRUCIATING! My day went like this;

I woke up to screaming. It was my god forsaken step mother, yelling for me to wake my ass up. I yelled back that she could fuck off and go to hell. I didn't even feel bad. She's a demon.

I got out of bed and put on a long sweater since the autumn day was pretty cold, a tee shirt, and my favourite leggings. I threw on my blue converse and walked down the stairs. I grabbed a granola bar from the counter, and picked up my heavy backpack containing all the beginning of the school year essays that were due today. I figured I should clean it out soon because you aren't supposed to carry heavy things while pregnant.

Finally, after yelled 'Goodbye's to my family, I got into my silver Jeep Wrangler and drove to school. My dad bought it for me when I passed my drivers test a week earlier than everyone else because they all failed.

I hopped out of my car and walked into the hellhole that is school. I rushed to my locker to grab my English Essay and my textbook. I hurried over to Piper's locker and we walked together to English. We sat down in our seats. I felt a poke on the back of my head. I turned around to the little bitch who was Drew Tanaka.

"What do you want, Drew?!" I hissed.

"Annie! I just wanted to know why you're so ugly!" Drew said, in her sickeningly sweet-sounding voice that made my blood boil.

I rolled my eyes and faced the teacher who had just walked into the class. Mrs. Edith, my teacher,  called, "Settle down class! We have a new student today! His name is Luke Castellan!"

I looked at the boy next to her. He was actually kind of cute... he had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, just like Jason, except Luke had a scar over his eye the stretched over one side of his face. Luke saw Annabeth and grinned at her. Mrs. Edith ripped Annabeth from her thoughts.

"Mr. Castellan, please sit next to Drew Tanaka over there," She said, and pointed to Drew. Luke frowned and sat behind Annabeth. Drew started flirting with Jason and not paying attention to the lesson. Slutty bitch ass girl, I thought.

When class ended, I was walking to my locker with Piper when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see that boy, Luke Castellan, out of breath.

"Jesus, how fucking fast do y'all walk?" He panted. I laughed, "Apparently, faster than you!"

He stood up, and held out his hand. "Luke."

I shook it and replied, "Annabeth." We grinned at each other and Piper said, "Anna, I'm out. Come find me when you two are down flirting!"

Luke and I blushed. She rolled her eyes as she walked away.

"See you around," I smiled as I followed her. He smiled back. Let me tell you right now, that was the only good part of today.

We attended a few more classes before we went to lunch. Drew likes terrorising us at lunch, so obviously she came up to me.

"Annie, you stay away from Luke! Are you some kind of slut?!" She spat at me with venom in her tone.

"You'd be surprised." I muttered, but not loud enough so she could hear.

Piper looked furious. "Annabeth can talk to anyone she wants, Tanaka. The question becomes, what are you gonna do about it?"

"Oh, there are a lot of things I can do, Pipes." She said quietly, before sashaying away.

I was slightly worried but I didn't think much of it at the time. When I got home however, I realised I should've been MUCH nicer to Drew because she posted on Instagram.. it said;

"Did y'all see Annabitch today? That ugly slut was trying to get into Luke Castellan's pants!! #slut #bitchygirl #Imdonewithher"

I was happy to find out that a lot of people defended me. Especially Luke. His comment on the post was;

"DREW! She isn't the slut, you are! You kept asking me to come over later and all that shit. I was the one who started the conversation with Annabeth, and you need to get a life."

Thinking about that made me smile to myself.

So my day sucked, but at least I met Luke.. All I know is I sort of like him...

NO! I can't like him! He's already gonna hate me when he finds out I'm pregnant! But why can't I get him out of my head?


A|N Oooooo ANNIE HAS A CRUSH!! Lol, you lot are probably shaking your head at me right now, but I've got a plan that would blow your minds!!

That's all,


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