Chapter 6

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A|N So I have a plan. Don't hate me too much after this chapter!!


Yesterday, Thursday, Luke asked if I wanted to come on a date with him tonight. I said yes because he's cute, he's kind, he's smart, and I've been crushing on him since a couple weeks ago.

It's stupid, but I'm pretty sure he's gonna accept me being pregnant when I tell him. But I'm not gonna tell him until I start to show..

Anyway, Piper's gonna help me get ready. She reckons I should tell Luke I'm pregnant, but I said no.

I drove to the restaurant he asked me to. It was pretty nice inside actually. Nothing too fancy, but not dirty or anything.

We laughed and talked for hours, and then, after we'd been there for three, we decided to call it a night. He walked me to my car, and just as I was going to get in, he kissed me. It was quick, but we kissed again for a minute or so, and I'll just tell you it was French.

I was going to get in for real this time, but he stopped me and said, "Annabeth, will you be my girlfriend?" I was shocked. This is moving fast.. but guess what I said?

"Sure." I smiled and got in my car. I drove to Piper's with a grin on my face. I walked in the door and ran upstairs.

"PIPER! I have a boyfriend now!" I whisper yelled because it is ten o'clock. She looked up from her phone with wide eyes.

"WHAT?!" She also whisper yelled, "Anna! Did you tell him?" I shook my head. Her eyes widened more. "Annabeth Chase! Why didn't you tell him?!"

"Because! We were having such a great time! I didn't wanna ruin it!"

"Ugh, you have to tell him eventually you know!" Piper responded.

"I know, I know! But not until I start showing!"


Jason kept being weird. I was starting to actually suspect something.

But in other news, I can't get a girl to sleep with me! Apparently, girls have been spreading it around that I'm a 'player'. Hey! Don't give me that look! Ok fine! Maybe I am a player! But still! Annabeth Chase was the last girl I did it with!

Maybe I should call her and ask for another round..? Nah, she'd never say yes. Especially since she started going out with Luke Castellan.

I don't know how I feel about that. I know you aren't supposed to get attached to the girls you sleep with, but something is changing with Annabeth.. I just don't know what...

Hmmmm... oh! Gotta go! My mom's calling for dinner!

A|N This chapter was hard to write.. sorry it was short!

That's all,


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