Chapter 9

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I got into Percy's car. He was gonna drive to his place so we could tell his mom. I was rather worried for a moment but I kept thinking back to the library...

From that experience, I gathered 2 pieces of information.

1) That Percy's mom wouldn't kill us,

And 2) Percy will be a great dad some day.

I don't exactly know why, but I no longer hate him. I most certainly do not love him, but I feel like we could definitely co-parent peacefully. Maybe even become friends! But at the moment, I need to focus on getting out of the car and walking into the Jackson household.

Percy helped me out with that first part.

We walked over the threshold and Percy yelled, "MOM! I'M HOME!" I heard footsteps coming toward us... very angry footsteps.

"PERSEUS JACKSON! What in gods name are you doing here, while you are supposed to be AT SCHOOL?!" She sounded angry, yes, but also exhausted.

"Well..umm.. Annabeth here *he gestured at me* is pregnant andI'mthefatherpleasedon'tkillme!" Percy said quickly, bracing himself.

I looked up at his mom and gave her an apologetic look and shrug. Her face was angry for another moment but then her eyes softened and she ran toward... ME?! She wrapped her arms around me and whispered so only I could hear, "Congratulations Annabeth!"

But when she pulled away and looked at Percy, all that anger came back.

"AND YOU! You had sex?! And you didn't tell me? Percy I was worried about you all those nights! You could've told me that's where you were! I would've been mad, but at least I'd've known where the heck my son was!" The anger faded as she spoke. I will admit, tears ran down my face.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but you are the best mom of all time!" I said to her, with the tears still on my cheeks. She turned to me and grinned, "Well I'm glad somebody thinks so!"

I laughed, and Percy grumbled, "Great, they're ganging up on me now." I slapped him again.


I was happy that out of all the girls Percy could've gotten pregnant it was this one. She is clearly not some slut, and she knows when Percy could use a little reassurance that what he said wasn't necessary.

"Annabeth? Would you like to stay for dinner? I'd like to get to know the mother of my grandchild a little bit!" I asked her.

"Yes, thanks."

I saw Percy looking at her, the entire time she was at our house. Sometimes it was less obvious, but I knew when my only child was in awe.

He really liked this girl, although I could tell he hadn't told her.

Annabeth was an interesting person. She was nice, funny, smart as they make them, and beautiful, but she told me she only really had one true friend. To say I was shocked at that, would be the biggest understatement in the universe.

The three of us talked for a while before Annabeth said she needed to go home.

"Alright Anna, but I have one more question, how are your parents taking this?" I asked, concern lacing my voice.

"Well, they don't know.. I was thinking of telling my dad and stepmother tonight actually.."

"Oh honey!" I said as I pulled her into a hug, "I hope everything goes well!"

She walked out of my house with a smile on her face.


My mom got on great with Annabeth. It seemed as though she wasn't even mad that I got someone pregnant! These are the moments that I thank god I got Annabeth pregnant and not a slut like Drew.

But I digress. I was mad that Luke had said the rude things he did to Annabeth. She doesn't deserve to be upset like that, and it kills me to see it.

WHAT?! No of course I don't have a crush on her! What gave you that idea?!

A|N Percy was sweating excessively for that last part..

That's all,


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