Chapter 10

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A|N Get ready for the ultimate Percabeth Chapter!!!


I walked into my house. I closed the door and yelled, "HELEN! DAD! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU BOTH!"

They walked in and sat down on the couch across from me. I took in a sharp breath and said, "Dad, Helen, I need to tell you something extremely important. Percy isn't here right now because I didn't want you to kill him, but I am.. five months pregnant.."

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" My dad screamed. Helen looked smug. 

"Annabeth, why didn't you tell me?" My dad's concerned voice cracked as he spoke.

I started to cry, "I-I didn't want you t-t-to be mad at m-me.."

"Well I'm certainly angry at you, but I have to deal with this now, so who exactly did you..y'know.. have sex with?" My father said.

"I knew she was getting fat,"Helen muttered. I glared at her before:

"Percy Jackson..he's my friend now, but when we did it, we we drunk and we didn't like each other in the slightest." I responded.

"So you were drunk too?! Annabeth Marie Chase, what in Athena's name were you thinking?!"

"I WAS DRUNK DAD, I CLEARLY WASN'T THINKING!" I yelled, suddenly frustrated.

"Well no need to yell at me! Anna, if you want to keep that baby inside you, that's your decision, but I'm not going to help you. You need to work that out with Percy. And I need to have a talk with him."

"Dad, you cannot kill my friend ok?"

"No promises.. now c'mon, let's go!"


"Percy Jackson's house, you have to show me where it is, duh!"

"Ugh, can't that wait til morning? I'm so tired dad!" I whined.

"Nope! We're going tonight!" My dad said cheerfully.

I groaned, "Fine, but I'm changing into my pjs first!"

"Ok fine."

I ran upstairs and threw on a huge sweatshirt and pj pants that were fleecy. I put on slippers and hurried outside to the car. I told my dad the instructions to get to Percy's place.

We pulled into their driveway at 8:30 pm. My dad got of and I followed him. He knocked on the door. Sally answered. 

"Hello Anna! Who's this?"

"Hi Sally... this is my dad! I just told him and my step mom about the baby, and he wanted to talk to Percy. I'm here to make sure no one gets killed." I laughed. Sally laughed along with me and invited us in.

"PERCY! Annabeth's back! Her father would like to talk to you!" Sally called down the hall. Percy came walking into the living room, looking as if he'd shit himself. I laughed, "Don't worry, Perce! I'm here to make sure that no one is murdered in the process of this endeavour!"

"Please explain, you know I'm slow, Wise Girl!"

"I'm here to make sure my dad doesn't kill you, Seaweed Brain." I rolled my eyes. 

"Oh. That makes sense.." Percy trailed off. Sally looked like she might squeal, and my dad looked as if he was stifling a laugh. 

"Well Percy," He said, "I came to yell at you for getting my daughter pregnant, but it seems that you two would make great parents, as well as a great couple."

I choked on air, and Percy's face turned as red as a Weasley's hair. Sally laughed and started talking to my dad. Percy and I walked to his room, but not before Sally could yell, "USE PROTECTION!" And I yelled back, "NO NEED, ALREADY PREGNANT!"

Percy looked embarrassed, so I laughed and he feigned hurt. "What's the matter, baby Percy?"

He mock gasped, "You dare insult the great Perseus Jackson?!"

"Oh fuck off, your ego is entirely too big for your own good."

We both burst out laughing, and didn't stop for around five or so minutes. He told me we should watch Hocus Pocus and I agreed. We were chilling in his bed, and I slowly drifted off to sleep on his chest. I will admit, that was probably the best I've ever slept, other than after we did it together..

I woke in the morning to the sunlight coming in the window. I realised that it was Saturday, and I was suddenly extremely happy because I could fall back to sleep. So I did, and when I woke the second time it was to a certain boy that was playing with my curls. 

He was muttering something about how I looked like a princess even in the morning. I turned around on his chest and stretched out a little. I layed down so the my stomach and chest were on his, and he was rubbing my back. I fell asleep again! I woke for the third time when Percy whispered, "Hey Wise Girl, it's 12pm... my mom brought us breakfast in bed so you could just relax.. it's still warm, Beth."

I opened my eyes and smiled at the teenage boy underneath me. I was out for a long time..

Percy handed me a bowl of pasta with red sauce, and he told me it was one of the only not blue things his mom has ever cooked. I laughed at that but then my eyes widened. 

"How did you know that this is what I always crave in the morning!!?"

"I always see you eating it out of your locker.." He shrugged. I smiled again and ate my pasta. I was still laying on his chest, I noticed. 

"Hey Seaweed Brain?"

"Yes Queen Annabeth of House Chase?" He asked in a very.. Harry Potter esque fashion. 

I blushed and replied, "Why did you let me sleep on your chest all morning?"

"Well.. I don't know, maybe because it's comforting? And I don't know if you'd noticed, but you're really warm!"

I blushed deeper, and didn't answer while I was analysing what he had just told me. At that moment, Sally walked in and said, "Good Morning Anna! Good Morning again Percy!"

"Morning Sally!" I said, blushing even further because Percy happened to not be wearing a shirt and I was laying on top of him IN FRONT OF HIS MOTHER!

She laughed and left the room.

A|N Sorry it took so long, explanations next chapter!

That's all,


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