Chapter 12

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A|N Even though I absolutely despise it, this is gonna be a slow burn bc people seem to like that kind of shit! 🤷‍♀️


I finally got off Percy! It was one in the afternoon or so... Sally told me that my dad had seen me asleep peacefully, and decided to go home last night. I was slightly embarrassed, but whatever.

I decided to stay and chill because I didn't feel like moving, and Percy has a REALLY comfortable chest, not gonna lie. We watched tons of movies, and we talked. I gave him my number so we could talk about our kid at some point. I was starting to become noticeably big... and very self-conscious, at that.

Percy texted me real quick to make sure he had the right number, and I got a text that said, 'It's Brittany bitch!' I rolled my eyes at him, and he laughed.

"Well, if from now on you'd like me to call you Brittany in front of everybody at school.." I trailed off as an alarmed look crossed his features. He looked at me pleadingly, "NO! Anna! You can't! Please don't!!"

I laughed, "We'll see, Perseus, We'll see."

He looked terrified still. I just kept laughing until tears were running down my face.

"A-Anna? That much laughter is not good for you! Your voice'll get all scratchy and stuff!" Percy said, hesitantly at first.

I quieted down after a few moments, "Hey, Perce?"

"Yeah, Wisegirl?"

"We're gonna have a freaking kid in four or more months.."

"Oh my shit, you're right!" He exclaimed. I slapped him, "NO SWEARING! The baby can hear you now!"

"Sorry mom!" He said sarcastically. I slapped him again.

Ugh, he looked so cute this morning... with his tousled hair, to his six-pack, to those gorgeous sea green eyes... oh my fucking gosh! I sound like DREW TANAKA! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, I started hyperventilating and sobbing. Stupid pregnancy hormones! Percy looked terrified, but he pulled my closer and held me tightly, "Anna, it's gonna be alright. I have no clue what you're panicking about, but it's gonna be alright, ok?"

I calmed down as soon as Percy had comforted me. I could smell the ocean when I was near him, for some weird reason..

But then I had a random flashback;


Percy was walking down the halls, laughing with Jason and Nico. He was holding his special blue coke his mom had made him that morning. Then he ran into someone...

Annabeth was having a terrible day, BEFORE someone ran into her. She got an A- on her last quiz, her favourite calculator broke, AND ON TOP OF THAT, Piper and her had gotten into a fight. So when Percy Jackson spilled his weird, blue drink all over her brand new grey dress, she freaked out on him.

"PERCY JACKSON! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" She screamed, chasing a terrified Percy down the hall, "WHY CAN'T YOU NOT BE AN ASS FOR A FUCKING DAY?!?! I HATE YOU!!" After that last bit, she tackled him to the ground and slapped him across the face. Luckily, there hadn't been any teachers around to see the two freshman, but there sure as hell had been half the student body!

She got off of him and stormed off, a tear rolling down her cheek as people laughed at her soaking wet dress.

I chuckled to myself at the memory, who could've guessed that that was who I'd have a kid with..

A|N How am I doing with the slow-burn? Thanks to -MXDNXGHTVXXD- for the idea that was the flashback! It was supposed to be a one shot, but I figured I could use it here!

That's all,


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