Chapter 24

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A|N Sorry bout that cliffhanger.......NOT! I'm more evil than Uncle Rick 😈😈 


I felt my water break and I screamed.

I turned to Percy and told him. "HOLY SHIT!! IT'S HAPPENED!" He screeched. I jumped out of bed and Percy followed, grabbing the bag and running to start the car. I waddled behind him, yelling to Sally to call my dad. She gave me the thumbs up and I got into the SUV outside. 

As soon as I was buckled, Percy grabbed my hand, and with his other one, he started driving to the hospital.

~Fredrick Chase~

I was watching television in my living room with my wife and our sons when I received a call from Sally Jackson. 

"Hello? Sally? What's up?" I asked.

"Rick!! Annabeth's having the baby!!" Sally yelled.

"OH MY GOSH!! Helen, Bobby, Matt! We have to go! Annabeth is in labour!!" I yelled to my family, hanging up the phone.

~~Twenty Minutes Later~~


I was having contractions 5 or 6 minutes apart now. Fucking triplets ugh!

They told me they'd be out in a few hours, but I was bullshit about it because, HOLY SHIT this pain is excruciating! Oh, and you know what got me the most upset? PERCY ISN'T ALLOWED IN! So I told the doctors that I wouldn't have the babies until Percy could come watch.

They gave in after an hour or two, and Percy walked in smirking.

I let out a huge breath. "Oh thank gosh! Now I can have children!" I yelled, louder then intended.

Everyone in the room started cracking up, including me. Then my laughs turned into yelps of pain from my contractions Percy (along with several doctors an nurses) ran over to my bed and he squeezed my hand tightly and whispered fr me to take deep breaths. The doctors and nurses looked shocked when Percy singlehandedly calmed me down so that I was just panting.

I leaned up and kissed him. It didn't last very long because a doctor said, "Errr.. sorry to ruin the moment, but you guys can't really kiss because Annabeth needs as much oxygen as possible.."

Percy pulled away and glared at them all.

~~Three Hours of screaming Later~~


I was pretty sure that Annabeth was gonna squeeze my hand off. Two of three triplets were out, but the third one was being a stubborn little bitc- wait, this is my child we're talking about! 

They told us there needed to be an emergency c-section. Annabeth was freaking out the whole time, and if I'm being honest, I was too. We're seventeen! This is fucking happening.

They finally got our last daughter out of Annabeth's body and they cleaned the girls up and made sure they were healthy. Then, we got to hold them. Let me tell you as a first time dad, holding your children for the first time is one of the most gratifying experiences you'll ever have.

A|N Thought I'd end it there but, I wanted to do a thing so y'all know the triplets names and what order they came in and shit like that.

Eva Melanie Jackson:

Oldest Triplet,

Sort of skinny,

Percy's eyes and Annabeth's hair.

Hailey Kimora Jackson;

Middle Child,

Looks exactly like Annabeth.

Laurenne Ece Jackson;

That youngest stubborn one,

Percy's eyes and hair!

Those are the triplets, all their names mean something to me so don't judge.

That's all,


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