Chapter 38 ~ Accident

39 3 13

3rd of July 1795

~Frederick's pov~

"Prince Frederick!"

I opened my eyes half-heartedly and sighed. I looked at my hand in front of me and stuck it out. "Yes!" I responded trying not to sound dead.

"You need to get ready for your outing with the young Princess." The servant responded. I sighed again and sat up on my bed flatten my hair down to seem more presentable. "Come in then," I replied and pulled off my blanket as I walked to the edge of my bed.

The door opened and I sat down staring blankly at the servant. He was holding a pile of clothes and a small note in his hands, he smiled slightly and bowed. "This is for your outing with Princess Johanna." He spoke with a hint of nervousness. I smiled slightly and stood up as he handed the pile of clothes.

"You'll be meeting her highness in the west garden today. Please try and get changed as soon as possible." He explained. I nodded and bowed again, turning towards the door. I picked up the clothes and sat back down as the wooden door to my room shut.

I looked closer at the navy blue fabric and began to change into the clothes. While doing this my mind was distracted by what happened yesterday.

Especially when June glared at me. See I didn't hate Princess Johanna but the fact was that I loved June. June may have not been royalty, but that doesn't make her any less of a person. She was wonderful, passionate and creative. Something I'm sure Johanna isn't. I mentally scoffed as I finished changing into the outfit.

I sat back onto the bed once again and picked up the piece of paper. I sighed and began to read the words written on the page.

Dear Freddy,

I just want to let you know that I'm so excited for you. You're finally going to have a wife!

When I got married to your mother it was the best day of my life, and your marriage to Princess Johanna will be like that nonetheless.

But before you go and charm her, I would like to give you a few things to help you. First is the suit, it's actually one of mine. It was the clothes I wore when I first met your mother. And since she fell in love with me straight away, I'm sure it will have the same effect on your suitor as well.

Also, I have given you your gorgeous looks. Everyone says that we look almost exactly the same, and since I'm quite good looking. I have no doubt the Princess will fall for you. Not to mention, your mother always says that my eyes her favourite feature of mine and since you have my eyes, you'll give Johanna even more reasons to love you!

Anyway, lastly. I have given you a list of questions to ask Johanna. It isn't really much but I think it's pretty good. I know I wasn't the best person before and I'm probably not any better now. But I just want to say that I love you and that I'm proud of you. And that's why I don't want you to be with someone of a lower status. Not because I think they are worth any less than us but the fact that I don't want you to feel the pain I felt.

I may seem like I've always been happy, but there was a time when I was married to your mother that deep sorrow consumed me. I never want that happening to you Freddy and so I have found you someone who would never do such a thing.

I know you aren't marrying your true love, but at least you'll never feel the real pain of them not loving you back.

Love, Your father

I looked down at the letter and felt something odd in my heart. It wasn't the usual disdain or hatred I felt for my father but sheer sympathy and love. I smiled slightly and stood up folding the letter and started walking towards the door.

"I guess it's worth a try."

~At the garden~

Walking towards the garden a blight of anxiety began to eat at my soul. Of course, as most would do, I held in the urge to run away and breathed in slowly as the sight of Johanna became clearer.

"Hello." I smiled slightly and Johanna turned smiling nervously at me. "Hello." She spoke softly. I chuckled awkwardly and walked towards her. "Apparently we're supposed to talk and walk around so I guess we better get started then." I smiled awkwardly. Johanna nodded and we began walking down the pathway.

It was peaceful in the garden, everything was quiet and still and only the awkwardness of two strangers who were to wed filled the atmosphere with gas more toxic than most, nervousness.

I smiled slightly as we strolled along the pathway towards the pond. I soon felt something press against my jacket and I looked down to see the note my father gave to me. I quickly grabbed it and opened it reading the title.

Some questions to ask

-What do you find most attractive in a man?

-Describe your ideal date?

-How many children do you intend on having?

-How many people do you want me to execute when I become King?

-How do you want me to execute said people?

-(This isn't a question but-) Please say that you love me forever and that you won't leave me and take my children to a foreign country. Where you sell our wedding ring and burn all the letters I send to you.

I quickly scrunched up the paper and smiled as Johanna and I reached the pond. Johanna smiled softly and awkwardly and we both sat down.

"So, how are you?" I glanced sideways slightly. Johanna froze and her eyes scanned around the pond. "Great, thanks for asking." She replied. I nodded and sighed quietly as I began contemplating my existence. This was officially the most awkward/ why was I a prince moment I've ever experienced.

And to be honest it was probably the same for Johanna. I looked over at her and saw her face even more awkward than ever. I felt bad for her but either way, we both couldn't do anything. We were only here for one thing and one thing only. To carry out the cycle of rulers.

"Frederick!" A small voice that I recognised as Charles called out. I turned around to see Charles, pale-faced and small tears falling down his face. "Charles, what's wrong?" I questioned slightly anxious.

Charles paused and looked up at me his face full of fear.

"Something happened to dad!"

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