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As soon as I came out of the park, I took my bags and looked back. He was still enjoying the snow. I smiled and turned back. I took another few steps and jumped out.

"Yahoo!" I couldn't stop me behaving myself anymore and rushed home.

I knocked on the bell and grandma opened the door. As soon as I entered, grandma was about to say something but I didn't let her speak. I hold her hands and started spinning along with her.

"Halmonee, halmonee, halmonee. Do you know what just happened to me?" I said while dancing around with her.

"Yeah yeah, what's the matter?" She asked.

"I met Taehyung just now!" I screamed out of happiness.

"Really? But where did you meet him?" She was surprised.

I explained everything from start to end.

"Oh great! Now go and take some rest. I'll call you when dinner will be ready." She said.

"Okay!" I said and went inside the guest room as it was my first night in Seoul after the transfer.

I changed my clothes and jumped into the bed. I was looking up at the ceiling while I couldn't stop smiling. One thing that was in my mind at that point is one and only, Taehyung.

I clap my hands in excitement and kicked in the air. My cheeks were turning red and I was definitely blushing. I kept my hands over my face to cover it. I took a pillow from my side and grabbed it tightly.

Now, I might actually sound like some lunatic psychopaths but, I kissed the pillow a thousand times thinking of it to be Taehyung which is just a part of my fantasy world. At that very moment, I lost my human nature and was on the path of me losing my mind. So, I muttered every abnormal and impossible stuff in this world.

"What if I meet him again? What if he falls in love with me? Oh, shut up! It's never gonna happen. After all, he is an idol and I'm just a fan. I should live my life as his fan, instead of dreaming him next to me in the morning." I sighed, yet kept thinking about him.

"Yeona, dinner is ready." Grandma called for dinner.

I came out of my thoughts and went for dinner at the dining table. The food was already served. I sat and started digging in.

Grandma was sitting beside me and eating her food. All of a sudden, I imagined Taehyung and started giggling again without even realizing what I'm doing. " Hehehe!"

Somehow, grandma guessed about my imagination. "Yeona, next time when you meet him, just propose him."

I coughed out some food from my mouth hearing those words. I quickly drank some water to relief myself from choking.

"What you saying, halmonee? I don't even know if I will ever meet him again or not. Even if I meet him, I can't propose him out of the blue. Even if I propose you, do you think he'll accept someone like me?"

"Why? What's wrong with someone like you? If you both really have some connection between each other then you will definitely meet him again." Grandma said.

Her words made me wonder my own thoughts. "Really? Is it possible?"

After I was done with my food we wished each other good night and went straight to the bedrooms. I jumped into my bed, turned off the lights and closed my eyes.

Tomorrow was the first day of my office in Seoul. I was really anxious.


I woke up at 7 AM cause I need to reach my office by 8 AM. As I was done with my breakfast, I left for office. I took a cab to my office.

Finally, I was standing in front of my office. LAW WIN, written in bold letters. It was a huge complex. I took my first step inside. I went towards the reception.

"Hello, I'm Yeona Tan. I have been shifted to this branch and today's my first day. Can I get some direction?" I said to the reception lady.

"Yeah, you need to meet the C.E.O first." The receptionist said and took me towards his office room.

"Wait here. He will call you." She said and left me outside his office.

"Come in." A voice was audible after 10-15 minutes, calling me inside the office. When I entered inside, a handsome guy in his 20s' was sitting on the C.E.O chair with a bunch of paper in his hand.

But after seeing the handsome face of Tae, other faces didn't really matter to me.

"Tan Yeona." He said.

"Yes sir!" I responded.

"Let me give you some files and you'll have to complete it." He directed.

"Oh okay." I said.

He took some files from the table, opened one of them and started explaining to me my work. I listened a thing said by him but was distracted with the last night incident with Taehyung.

It was nice meeting you. Hope we meet again.

The last two sentences of Taehyung was running inside my head. I giggled out again without realizing.

The C.E.O looked at me. "What's wrong?" He said, coldly.

"Nothing." I said, hesitatingly.

He looked back at the files. He didn't say anything at first but then.

"Are you sure you got a promotion?" He blurted out.

I didn't say anything and looked down the entire time.

"Anyway, there is a meeting. I want to see you there." He said.

"Okay." I said and left the room.

I kicked the floor in frustration. "Tch, not a good first impression." I regretted.

The day was hard, I had to do a lot of work. Luckily, tomorrow was Sunday and that one thought was keeping me motivated to complete my work.

"Yeona, take these files with you. You can complete working on them during this weekend, right?" Boss came, handing me the files.

"Huh? Yeah. Yes." I replied.

"And my motivation is gone." I muttered after he left me with a bundle of files.

Finally, the day was over. I went straight to my grandma's home. She opened the door and saw those files in my hand.

"It looks like the day was though." She said with a worried face and let me in.

"Yeah." I said, trying to catch a breath.

"Go and get some rest. I'll make dinner." She caressed my hair.

I went to my room, threw the files on the table and jumped into the bed, spreading out my legs and hands, closed my eyes.

When I turned my body towards the window to look outside, it was snowing. The snow suddenly reminded me of Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung

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Kim Taehyung

-to be continued.

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