//don't leave me//

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I rushed inside the house when Grandma opened the door.

"What happened?" She asked but, I didn't answer her.

I took some important paper from my room and came out.

"Yeona, what's wrong?" Grandma asked again.

I stopped and looked back. "Kyong is admitted in a hospital."

"What? But how?" She asked.

"I don't know. I need to go. I'll call you later." I said before leaving for Guri.

I took a cab to the station. The only thing that was going on in my mind was Taehyung.

When we reached the station, I paid the amount to the driver and rushed inside the station. I took a ticket for the first train that will go to Guri. I was sitting in the station and waiting for the train to arrive.

I wanted to cry for everything that's been happening today, but apparently, the tears didn't come out, making me feel even heavier from inside.

"What happened to you Kyong?"

Finally, the train came and I jumped inside. I thought of calling mom once. I took my phone out but it was dead and  I didn't even bring the charger.


I could see Yeona going out of my vision but why was I standing motionless. I didn't even offer a helping hand and kept standing like a statue. I don't know what happened to her. We were good friends then why did she do such a thing which is confusing me now.

"Did she actually propose me or it  was just a joke?" I asked myself.

"It didn't look like a joke. She was serious." Finally, I understood.

I don't know why I was feeling bad. I was trying to keep all those things aside. I didn't want to think about that incident or her, but I was unable to do so. Why was she running in my head? Maybe, I was tired. I thought of sleeping for a while.

"Hey, Taehyung." Someone called me.

"Hey, wake up. See, I'm here." She repeated herself.

I opened my eyes and sat on the bed. I could see Yeona standing in front of me. She was looking like an angel. Her face was glowing and her eyes seemed so beautiful that I was getting lost into it. Her glossy pink lips giving a smile. Her black shiny hair with little curls was flying over her face. She was wearing the same white dress and those white roses in her hand, but why were the petals falling down?

"Yeona!" I was happy to see her. I stood up to move towards her.

Suddenly, everything disappeared around me. Only Yeona was standing in front of me. Everything turned dark and in that darkness, I could only see her pretty face.

"Taehyung!" Her voice appeared really nice. It felt like I could hear her forever, but will she be there with me forever?

"Yes, Yeona. Tell me." I took a few steps.

"I'm here to tell you something." She said. But she was taking her steps back, moving away from me.

"Why are you going away from me?" I asked, worried.

She smiled. "How can I come to you when I'm going away from you forever?" She said.

"What? But why? No, don't go. Don't leave me." I shouted.

I didn't know why was I afraid of losing her. I ran towards her to stop her but she was disappearing.

"Taehyung, I'm sorry. I need to go now." She said.

"No!" I shouted out. I could see there were no more petals. Yeona was disappearing.

"Don't leave me, please Yeona!" I kept shouting as I wanted to stop her but, eventually she disappeared. She was gone.

"No, no, no. Don't leave me." I shouted as I woke up. I looked around and it was a dream. I moved my hand over my face and I was sweating. I was afraid but why? I didn't want to lose her. 

My heart was beating very fast. I took the phone which was lying beside me. I searched Yeona's from the contact and called her. My hands were literally shivering due to which I was unable to hold the phone properly in my hands.

"Damn, it's switched off." I threw the phone aside.

My hands were on my head. She was the only thing that was running in my mind. I wanted to meet her as soon as possible.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed up. It was Jimin. I picked up the call.

"Hey, Taehyung. What's up, bro?" He said.

"Hm, say." I replied, dryly.

"Hey, is everything okay?" He asked. He was able to understand.

We're best friends and I share almost everything with him so, I explained to him everything from the beginning.

"So, you talking about that girl?" He asked.

"Yeah!" I hummed.

"Dude, I know it. You're in love." He said.

"What? We're just friends. What are you saying?" I babbled.

"Pabo, sometimes I doubt you with a three-year-old." Jimin said, mocking me which I couldn't really reply anything.

"Close your eyes and tell me the first person that comes in your mind." He said.

I closed my eyes and I could see the beautiful face of Yeona. "It's Yeona." I said to him.

"See, I told you. You're in love." He repeated.

"But when and how did that happen?"  I asked, curiously.

"Look, when I saw her for the first time, I could see that she was already in love with you. Did you know that? And now, when you actually realising your love for her, you aren't ready to accept it. This shows how immature you're." He said.

I was glad to hear him but I had no idea about my next move as I already did something stupid and unintentional.

"So, you mean that I love her. Okay. But how were you able to know that she loves me by looking at her for the first time when I couldn't find it even after spending so much time with her?" I asked.

"It's simple. She just avoided my handsome face because she loves you." He bragged about himself.

"Yeah, totally. Thanks, Jimin. You are my best." I said and hung up the call.

I called Yeona again but it was still switched off. I wanted to express my feelings for her as soon as possible so I tried calling her for more hundreds of times, but it was switched off.

 I wanted to express my feelings for her as soon as possible so I tried calling her for more hundreds of times, but it was switched off

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Kim Taehyung

-to be continued.

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