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"Hey, you even listening?" Choo-hee asked as she waved her hand in front of my eyes.  

"Huh? Oh sorry." I released myself from my toxic thoughts.

She gave me a resting face and held my hand to take me towards her messy bed. She allowed me to sit down while she sat beside me.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm." I replied.

"You know, my bias is Suga." She said.


"Yes. How can he look so cute with his swag." She kept babbling.

"Erm, yeah." Even though I responded to her words, I still wasn't over with that article which she was able to understand.

She stood up. "Why are you thinking so much? See, you can tell me and I won't even judge you or something. Yeah, if the rumour was about Suga then I probably would have killed you by now but, it isn't." She said.

I don't understand why she pretended to care for me so much, ignoring the fact that we just met a few minutes ago. "I'm sorry but, can we talk some other time?" I said as I stood up from her bed. "Excuse me."

I took out my phone from my bag and checked all my social media. I didn't get much time these days so wasn't able to check my social media so now when I'm checking it, my DM is full of random girls' texts. 

I opened one of them and read it. "Hey, stay away from my Oppa. He's only mine." It read.

I checked another one. "Taehyung Oppa is my husband so, keep your eyes away from him." It read.

And another one. "Witch, how dare you touched my Taehyung?"

I couldn't read those anymore and as a result, I switched off my phone. I started walking through the corridor and suddenly, a girl called me. "Hey, Jessy's calling you." 

I looked around at the girl. "Who?"

"Just come with me." She directed.

"Ah, why--" 

The girl didn't even let me complete my sentence, dragged me towards the cafeteria, and pushed me on a chair. I somehow balanced myself and stood up. I was really pissed off by her action so I turned around to say something, but some other girl was standing in front of me with a gang of girls behind her.

I guessed her Jenny.

"So, you are the girl." She implied.

"Huh?" I reacted.

"You bloody, don't act, okay? And keep your eyes away from Taehyung. He's only mine." She screamed.

Now, I was definitely, really pissed off. I was about to burst out on her but, some other girl cut me in between.

"Hey, what you saying? He is yours?" The girl asked Jenny.

"Yeah, of course." Jenny replied.

"How dare you say that?" Another girl said from behind.

And finally, they started arguing against themselves while I was just standing and enjoying the fight of those fangirls who are literally fighting for the guy who's already taken. In addition to that, fighting for my guy in front of me.

While watching the fight, someone held my hand and dragged me out of the crowd. It was Choo-hee. She pulled me out of the cafeteria and when we stopped running, she looked at me.

"Are you crazy? They could have hit you." She hollered.

"Really?" I smirked.

"Yeah, they're the crazy fangirls of Taehyung." She said.

MY DREAM: ME AND TAE |• KTH •|Where stories live. Discover now