//missed calls//

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The train arrived at Guri around 6 o'clock. I came out of the train and rushed for a cab but then I realised that I don't know the name of the hospital. I know that there's only one hospital in Guri so that's the only place I could go possibly at that time.

As soon as I entered the hospital, I could see patients everywhere. I ran towards the reception and asked about Kyong. The receptionist said that a patient named Kyong is admitted. She gave me his room number and I rushed there to see him.

I saw Kyong with plaster in his right hand and bandage on his head. Mom was sitting next to him.

"Kyong!" I shouted, making them notice me.

"Nuna!" He said with a smile.

Mom looked at me and ran towards me to give me a hug. I smiled as I hugged her. She looked at me and rubbed the tears from her cheeks.

I went to Kyong who was still smiling like an idiot. My eyes were filled with tears. I was happy to see him after such a long time so I ran my hand over his head and gave a smile.

"Kyong, what happened?" I asked.

"Oh, this. Nothing serious." He pretended as he always does.

"Just tell me." I yelled at him.

"Nuna, calm down. Sit here." He offered me a seat and so I did.

I was curious to know what happened. "Now tell me." I said to him.

He started scratching his head. It felt like he didn't want me to know, but I definitely need to know what happened.

"Kyong!" I hollered.

"Okay okay. Listen." He finally agreed to confess his actions.

"Go on." I said.

"So, yesterday I was returning back to home from my tuition. It was around 12 PM and I was just a few more steps away from our house. Then I saw two people standing right in front of our house. When I reached a little near, I saw Soobin and Beomgyu standing in front of our house. I was happy to see them so I smiled but they smirked at me.

I tapped my hand over Soobin's shoulder. He removed my hands from his shoulder and gave an eerie smile. I could feel that something was wrong was gonna happen. When I asked him what happened, Soobin smirked and looked at Beomgyu. Beomgyu looked at me and--"

"And?" I asked as Kyong stopped talking.

"And he asked me about the money that they lend me. Soobin looked really pissed off. He smirked as he folded his sleeves. I was able to predict what was gonna happen next. I moved back, but they were moving towards me. Soobin punched my face really hard that I fell down in the road and I was even bleeding.

A few more punches and kicks. I wasn't strong enough to fight against them. At last, they stopped cause they were tired of beating me that hard. I was screaming out in pain, lying down on that street. Soon, my body stopped working and started to lose my vision. And today you can see me in a hospital bed. That's it. That's what happened." He said.

"Oh my God, Kyong! But why the hell did you took money from them?" I asked.

He didn't reply to me instead, started laughing and scratching his head.

"Tell me, fast!" I hollered.

"I had to buy the BTS tickets, that's why." He said.

"What?" I couldn't believe he did this just to buy me a ticket. I was really mad at him now. "You could have just asked me for the money." I said.

"Nuna, how can I take money from you to buy your own birthday gift?" He asked.

"Then you could have brought something else, something cheaper." I yelled.

"But I know how badly you wanted to meet BTS." He said.

"You are more important than them, Kyong. I can't see you like this for a mere ticket and you should have paid the money, right?"

"I would have but I'm broke now." He said scratching his head.

Kyong's phone buzzed up suddenly so, he picked it up.

"Is money ready?" It was Soobin. Kyong muttered to me that the call is from him.

I took the mobile from his hand. "I will pay you the money." I said to Soobin.

"Oh, who are you?" He asked through the phone.

"I'm Kyong's sister." I said.

"Okay then." He agreed.

After talking to him, I looked at Kyong and he just smiled. "Thanks, Nuna!"

The fact that I was mad at him still continued. "Huh!"

"What?" He asked.

"Form the next time don't do such things." I warned him.

He nodded. I was happy to know how much he cared for me.

Finally, I charged my phone with Kyong's charger and when I switched it on, I saw 42 missed calls from Taehyung.

"What is this? Why did he call me so many times?" I said to myself yet I didn't call him back because I was embarrassed to even think of him after that incident.

I didn't want to talk to him. My phone buzzed up and it was Taehyung. I didn't want to talk to him but, I couldn't ignore his call as well.

Kim Taehyung

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Kim Taehyung

-to be continued.

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