//time spent//

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It's been two weeks since my friendship with Taehyung, which is the best thing in this world, happened. He happened to ask me to hang out with him today.

I woke up and took a shower. I wore ripped jeans with a peach-coloured sweatshirt and simple white sneakers. I also hanged a tiny bag on my shoulder. A little makeup and I was good to go.

During these 14 days duration, I think our friendship turned out really well. I got to know him more and different, cause it wasn't the idol and fan relation between us anymore. We actually became good friends.

So, yesterday, which was a Saturday, when he called me to invite for this hangout, he didn't really tell me the location so I was pretty curious about the destination. He just asked me to meet near a park and so I did.

"Hey, Taehyung!" I waved my hand seeing him already in the location.

"You are late." He said.

"Oh sorry." I said.

"Get in the car or we'll be even later." He offered.

I smiled and got in. He drove the way to our destination.

"Where we going?" I asked and in reply, he just smiled.

After 20 minutes, he spoke up. "We're here."

I looked out and we were in front of the Seoul land. It's one of the best amusement parks in the country. I looked at him all amazed. I wanted to be with him here as he has mentioned in one of his interviews that he wants to visit an amusement park with his partner, but even so, it was a little awkward.

I just wanted to go there once with him and now when I'm here, with him, doesn't matter what our relationship is, I just want to say thank him for this opportunity.

"This." I looked at him. "Taehyung-a, thank you."

He seemed to feel me and that gave me satisfaction. 

I jumped out of the car and so did he.

"You look really excited." He said.

"Shouldn't I be?" I laughed and he did too.

"Let's go." He said.

We went to the counter for the entry pass where Taehyung paid the money. We went inside when we received the tickets.

"So, which ride do you wanna try first?" He asked.

I looked around to choose a perfect ride for us but.

"Let's have a ride on the roller coaster." He said before I even think of a ride.

"What? No way." I was seriously scared of that ride.

"Oh c'mon." He held my one hand and literally dragged me to the ride.

"Hey, leave me!" I kept shouting but he seemed to ignore my request.

We seated on the ride.

"Jesus, be there with me, please." I kept praying.

"You look excited." He chuckled.

"If I die today, you are not invited to my funeral." I almost lost my mind then.

Finally, the ride started. My eyes were closed and I just kept praying. Suddenly, I could feel something on my hand which made me frown. I looked at my hand and it was Taehyung's hand over mine. I looked at him and he was smiling.

"Don't worry, I'm with you." He said which made my cheeks go red. Taehyung was making a different kind of sounds in excitement. Everyone was screaming their voice out and I screamed out of fear.

Once when I looked at him, his bangs were flying backwards, which made him look like a cute alien. He looked at me and started laughing like anything.

"What's wrong?" I shouted.

"I hope you could see yourself right now." He laughed.

"Huh?" I made an irritated face."See yours first."

"Yeah, I know I'm handsome." He babbled. I couldn't say anything because I knew he's handsome and there's nothing I can argue with that fact.

The ride got over and I finally, got relief. My head was still spinning and I could see two Taehyungs standing in front of me while he appeared to be absolutely fine.

He looked at me. "What's next?" He asked.

"Ride? Don't even use that word. Let's  sit somewhere for a while." I hollered.

"Lazy girl." He said.

We sat on a nearby bench and I could already see a group of girls running towards us.

"Taehyung Oppa! Taehyung Oppa!" They were screaming his name. Everyone ignored my presence and started approaching their Oppa while I just stared them, standing at a corner.

Finally, after an entire ten minute,  Taehyung called me. The girls had finally gone so it was kind of a relief.

"Hey, let's have a ride in the chair swing." He said with a smile.

"Again a ride? Does he want to kill me?"

"No way!" I screamed in fear. But once again he held my hand and dragged me to the ride.

That was a hilarious ride, even more than the Roller Coaster. This time I could see four Taehyungs. We enjoyed four such rides. And by enjoying I meant, him enjoying while I kept praying each time. We even had a little snack break.

It was getting dark and seemed like there'll be snowfall. So, we thought of going to a restaurant for dinner. We are going to Jungsik to enjoy some good pork dishes.

As soon as we entered there, again some girls caught him and as usual I cornered myself before they ignore me.

Finally, we got our table and ordered the food. After we were done with our dinner, it was time to leave. It was already snowing by then and Taehyung gave me a ride.

He was driving the car. "Hey, do you know what's the name of my car?" He asked.

"Ah, no. What is it?" I never thought that people even name their car, but it's Taehyung so anything and everything is possible.

"I call it Jimin. You know why?" He said.

"Wait, what? But why?" I asked totally confused.

"Cause I always wanted to Park Jimin." He started laughing.

"What?" I kept blinking. 

Finally, we were in front of my house. I got off the car and looked back. I waved my hand with a smile and he did the same. Then he drove off.

I turned around and was about to enter the house but my eyes caught something. There were some people with cameras in their hands.

I guessed they were searching for me so I quickly entered the house cause I didn't want to face any media or paparazzi.

Anyway, the day was well spent with Taehyung. 

Kim Taehyung

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Kim Taehyung

-to be continued.

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