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My Knight in Shining Armor.

I was once again lost. I tried escaping the darkness; surviving the unhappiness of life alone-but I couldn't. I was once again bewildered with the thought of ending my own existence; squandered by the thought of leaving this biased world. But before I could do anything to bruise myself even more-you came and rescued me.

Who would've thought that the man I was just ignoring along the pathways of school would be the one to save me? The man I kept on rolling my eyes at, would be the one to refrain me from my own demise. The man whom I thought was a bad person, would be the one to hold my hand and lift me up just so I wouldn't fall from that cliff of death.

The clown. The hero. The savior. The knight in shining armor.

When I was drowning once again and no one could hear the silent cries and screams for help-you appeared. When I was in despair and was badly wounded so deep-you showed up with a healing kit. When I barely paint a smile on my face-you came and made me wear the sweetest parabola. You removed my mask of forlornness so I would be able to see the beauty of the unclouded world where you are in. Love, you dwelled me in felicity once again.

Other side of you.

The nine months, two weeks, and five days of having a conversation with you-love, it was worthwhile. Not minding what other people would say about you; bad mouth you; I only would believe in you. I have seen the other side of you that they haven't unwrapped yet. And no matter what they say, I wouldn't be blinded by it. The thing is, I saw the side of you that no one ever noticed.

But here comes the anonymity.

The feelings I had for you was vague. It was paradoxical. It was anon. Even when we only had momentaneous memory, it rested in my heart. Even though I wanted to inhume everything, for you became an infliction to my heart-I just couldn't let go that easily. My love for you was inscrutable that even though now it makes me anguish, I couldn't let go.

Everything was fine, not until I have met the side of you that everyone was blabbing about.

You were totally different. You became the diametric of the person I once knew. I never thought that the man who once saved me and was once my hero-is now a scoundrel who became so wicked and fiendish that I can barely discern. It was like in that short and fleeting time-you died and another you was then born and got to face me. Another you was born and I hated that persona. I hated it and yet I couldn't contravene with the feelings that bloomed because of the old you.

I loved you.

Yes, I now intromit the verity that I fell for the man who once saved me from my wretchedness. I loved the man who embraced the crap side of me. I loved the man who healed the bruises of in my heart and in my mind. I loved the man who warmly accepted the side of me that everyone had cast off. I loved the man who found me, but now-you are the one who is lost.

I loved you.

Maybe the old you have departed, but the lost me was then saved. And still, even when I utter the words "I hate you" and "I don't know you anymore", it doesn't mean that I have totally forgotten about you nor the things you have done to save me from my own misery. It just means that I am missing you every second of my life. No-I am missing the old you who is now gone and can never be found by me again.

Memories of You (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें