Chapter Eighteen

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3rd Person POV

The elevator lowered for the fourth time, uttering its all too familiar clunking sound. It fell lower, and lower... And as suddenly as always... the ride was over. The doors opened once again, and all the surviving students exited the lift to find themselves in the redesigned courtroom. The room where their fate remains unknown to all.

There, Monokuma was standing in front of the elevator doors to greet them once they arrived.

"Hmm... Just the eight of you, huh? Really... That's so few! You must be so lonely!" Monokuma exclaims

"You say that like it's not YOUR fault we're all that's left!" Makoto reminds the headmaster with furrowed brows.

"I wonder, will the class trial end with one less classmate again? Or... will your school life come to an end completely?" Monokuma wonders, his insufferable grin stretching ear to ear.

"Now then, are we ready to begin? You know the drill! Find your assigned seats!" Monokuma instructs, to which all the students comply.

"Now then. Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... Then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!"

"Now then... where to begin...?" Monokuma wonders

"We already know who did it...!" Aoi says

"Yikes! The claws are out already?!" Monokuma exclaims as he leans back in his chair to allow the trial to start.

"The one who killed Sakura is one of the people that met with her! Byakuya, Toko or F/N! It was one of you!" Aoi accuses.

"Hmph. Idiot." Byakuya scoffs at her seemingly baseless accusations.

"I-I had nothing to d-do with it..." Toko defends herself.

"...." F/N said nothing as he crossed his arms.

"I don't wanna hear your stupid excuses!" Aoi shouts at them all.

"Hina seems really sure that one of those three is the killer... But she must have some reason for believing that..." Makoto knew he'd probably have to say something, or else things would keep going in circles.

"It was one of you... One of you killed Sakura!" Aoi continues her accusatory statement.

"And what reason do you have for saying so?" Byakuya asks her.

"Because you all had a motive! You hated her!" Aoi responds.

"Is that it? That doesn't make any sense..." Byakuya fires back.

"If that's your only reason for accusing us, maybe you should go lie down and stop talking for a while." He adds.

"Hina, another reason you suspect them is because Sakura wanted to meet with them, right?" Makoto questions the girl, who quickly nods her head.

"Yeah! And that was right before she died! So there's no doubt about it! One of those three killed her!" Aoi was already convinced.

"The fact that Sakura wanted to meet with all three of them... There's no way that's not suspicious!" She continues "One of you is absolutely guilty!"

"I don't deny that she wanted to meet with us, but... I never went to see her." Byakuya says

"I-I didn't either..." Toko tells everyone.

F/N remained silent, though after Toko spoke he glanced over to Makoto for a moment.

"Hey, F/N..." Makoto speaks up.

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