Chapter 6

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The next morning when I wake up I'm not surprised it's a lot later than when I normally wake up because those pills have been known to knock me out for at least eight hours straight. I'll admit I needed the sleep but I don't feel entirely refreshed like I was hoping. My body and my mind both feel heavy but that is probably just side effects of the pills. Another reason why I don't like taking them.

Nikki is already up and seated at her computer and I'm surprised to see she's up before me. I normally have to drag her out of bed for class so the fact that she is already up and dressed must mean she is extremely concerned about what happened last night. As I observe her more closely I can see how exhausted she looks and my heart aches because I don't want to be doing this to her.

I clear my throat as I sit up so she knows I'm awake and her attention shifts to me immediately. "Oh you're up" she says.

"Yea" I say my voice coming out surprisingly hoarse. Another side effect. "What are you doing up so early?" I ask deflecting the attention off of me and how I managed to sleep past five this morning. I don't want Nikki to realize the only way I can sleep this late would be to take those pills because I don't want her to panic anymore than she already is.

She looks sheepish for only a moment before she says, "I was trying to do some more digging into our dear friend Austin, but I still can't find a damn thing. I even hacked into the school's main frame where they keep student files and information and I still couldn't find out anything about him. It's like he doesn't exist or at least not at this school."

I feel dread rise up in the pit of my stomach accompanied by fear. "You don't think he goes to school here." It's meant to be a question but it comes out a statement. I knew what she was getting at there and it's a terrifying thought.

She pauses for a moment as she ponders this, "That or Austin isn't his real name" she says.

"You think he gave me a fake name?" I ask horrified.

"It's possible" she says.

"Why would he do that?" I ask.

"Why would someone leave you a photo of yourself with the word stunning written on the back?" she counters and I immediately regret asking any of my stupid questions about why people do the things they do. People do crazy things all the time. If anyone should know that it's me.

"Good point" I say. "Okay so if that isn't his real name how are we supposed to find out what his deal is or the police for that matter?"

Nikki looks unsure and her clear lack of ideas on where to go from here worries me even more. "I may have an idea, but I'm not sure you are going to like it. I'm not even sure that I like it" she says.

"What is it?" I ask immediately desperate for any type of way to get information on the guy who may be stalking me.

Nikki grimaces like explaining the idea is physically painful for her but I try not to let that bother me. "I was thinking that maybe you and I could try and talk to Austin face to face. I mean obviously we wouldn't say anything about the picture, but maybe we could somehow get a hold of one of his books and maybe there'll be a name in it. I know it's not really a fool proof plan, but it's all I got right now."

I don't really like Nikki's plan either because I really have no desire to ever see Austin again, but if doing this could help to end the nightmare I'm currently living in I'll do it. "Let's do it" I say after thinking it over for only a few seconds.

"Really?" Nikki asks me completely shocked.

I nod, "Yea. I'm not thrilled about trust me, but I think it's the best chance we have at figuring out who Austin really is and what he wants with me."

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