Chapter 27

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I wake the next morning still wrapped up in Colt's arms and I smile softly. It was nice waking up this way. A small pain stabs at my heart though as I remember my nightmare last night and how I lost him. It felt so real. I remember actually being able to feel the pain of the ropes as I tried to free myself. I shake the memory loose though as I remind myself that Colt's here and he's safe. It was such a relief to wake up from my nightmare and find myself in his arms. To be honest when I first opened my eyes I wasn't sure he was real. I look up at Colt and see that he is still sleeping peacefully and I smile. It was nice seeing him look so serene. He looks so relaxed and so much younger as he sleeps.

I gently try to unwrap myself from his arms since I need to use the restroom, but he stirs and slowly his eyes blink open. When he sees me he startles for a moment, "Are you okay?" he asks worriedly as he looks me over.

I giggle softly at his overreaction, "I'm fine" I say. "I just need to use the bathroom."

"Oh" he says as he releases me and moves over so I can get out of the bed. I head to the bathroom and do my business and then come back out to join Colt and a sleeping Nikki.

"How did you sleep?" he asks.

"Better once you showed up" I say truthfully.

He looks sad and regretful for a moment, "I'm sorry I was gone for so long" he says softly. "I shouldn't have left you."

"Don't blame yourself. You have to do your job Colt" I say trying to make him feel better. I should have known he would beat himself up over this. "I'm fine."

"You should go see Dr. Roberts today" he says after a moment and by the tone of his voice I can see this isn't really a request. I'm about to protest but he stops me. "Please Ryler" he says gently. "After everything that happened yesterday I really think you should talk to her. Please do this for me."

His gray eyes are so soft and pleading that I know I can't deny him this. Not when he is looking at me like that. Not when he asked so gently.

"Okay" I concede.

He looks relieved by my answer as I watch some tension leave his body. "I'll call and make an appointment for you. You should get ready" he says as he stands and moves towards me. When he reaches me he plants a gentle kiss on my forehead and then walks out.

Twenty minutes later Colt and I are in the SUV headed towards Dr. Roberts' office. He holds my hand as he drives and I can tell he's worried by the way he clenches his jaw and squeezes my hand like he's worried at any moment I might disappear. I'm assuming his anxiousness has to do with what happened last night. We really needed to talk about the photo and its message at some point.

"I'll be out here if you need me" Colt whispers as he gently cradles my face in his hands as we stand in the waiting room. I'm vaguely aware that the receptionist is watching us, but neither of us cares. It was just strange and new for us to be openly affectionate with one another, but I could definitely get used to this. Before he releases me he plants a soft kiss on my lips. Yep, I could definitely get used to this.

I turn away from him and walk into Dr. Roberts' office. She smiles when she sees me and I briefly wonder if this woman has ever been in a bad mood in her life. "Good morning Ryler" she says in her usual cheery tone.

"Morning" I whisper quietly.

"Sit. Let's get started" she instructs. I do as she says and then she continues, "Colt told me you had quite the nightmare last night."

"Colt?" I question as I raise an eyebrow at her because she usually refers to him as Agent Storm.

She smirks as she quirks an eyebrow at me, "I think we both know I'm not the only one who calls him by his first name" she quips.

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