Chapter 14

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It is now Wednesday and I am sad to report that since this weekend there have been no more kind moments between Storm and I. In fact he has gone back to being quiet and cold and I wonder if I did something to offend him. I mull over ever little interaction we have had over the last few days trying to figure it out but I come up empty every single time. I briefly wonder if he has become aware of my feelings towards him and the thought mortifies me, but I shake it loose and decide against it. I think Agent Storm just might be one moody guy.

Its lunch time and Storm and I have maybe spoken five whole sentences to each other all day. If we didn't train together in the morning I'm afraid we maybe only would have said good morning to one another and that would be it. The silence between us was weighing on me. It didn't use to bother me so much but after this weekend I craved conversation. I wanted him to share more of his past with me. For once I wanted to share more.

I'm sitting and eating my lunch with Nikki and the guys when I see Matthew come walking into the dining hall. He smiles tentatively when he sees me but his smile dims completely when he spots Storm sitting across from me. I move to stand so I can go talk to him to explain that we can't be friends even if I wanted to, but as soon as I move Storm moves with me almost perfectly in sync.

"Don't do it" he says sternly.

"Do what?" I ask even though I know what he means, but I'm not quite sure how he's seen Matthew since his back is towards him. He must be able to tell my thought process because he looks up and I notice the mirror in the corner of the ceiling. Dammit. I sigh, "I need to talk to him. I'll be fine. Just give me a minute. Please" I beg quietly as I stare into his hard gunmetal eyes.

"You walk over there and I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you out" he threatens.

I eye him, debating whether or not he's serious. A part of me believes him but the other part of me is willing to chance it. "You wouldn't dare" I say as I turn to move.

He catches my wrist, gently grasping it. "I wouldn't test me" he says darkly and while I know most people would be afraid, that I probably should be afraid but I'm not.

"I'm going" I growl. "Now let go of my wrist."

"I'm sorry Miss Stevens but I can't do that" he says, but I can tell he's not sorry at all and I want to smack him for being so smug.

Agent Manning clears his throat, "Storm" he says gently, but I hear the command beneath it. "Let her go."

Storm pauses for a moment as his hold on my wrist remains and I can tell he is debating what he wants to do. Will he disobey his superior and keep me here so I'm safe or will he let me go and possibly put me in harm's way? As I watch his inner struggle my resolve to go talk to Matthew begins to crumble because I feel guilty for putting him in this position. I hate myself for being weak and letting him affect me. Damn him.

"You can let go" I finally say relenting and he must be able to see the surrender in my eyes because he releases me. Once he does though I collect my things and storm out of the dining hall. I don't bother waiting because Storm is right behind me. He would never let me get more than a foot away from him as long as we are in public.

Once I get to my room I open my door and leave it open behind me allowing him to follow me in so we can hash this out because I'm sure he has plenty to say. I know I do.

"What the hell was that?" he asks angrily.

"I need to talk to him. You know that. I wasn't trying to hide it from you. You could have followed me over there and then this could have been over with" I say mimicking his anger.

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