Chapter 10

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I'm a liar. I feel guilty as I slip out of my room a little after five in the morning, but I couldn't take staring at the ceiling any longer. I had to get out.

I suck in a breath when I turn around after closing my door and see Colt Storm glaring at me with those steely gray eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I stammer nervously.

"I should be asking you the same question" he says with a dark under tone to his voice that gives me chills. "But I think I already know the answer to that."

There is no use in playing dumb. He can clearly see from my outfit that I planned on going to the gym. "How did you know?" I ask quietly.

"Manning and I took bets last night" he says with a smirk that doesn't touch his eyes. "He was nice enough to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I knew better."

"How?" I find myself stupidly asking. I didn't even know I was going to do this last night, so how did he?

Before answering he focuses those intense gray eyes of his on me and pins me with them. They seem even harder and darker now, and the look he gives me gives me chills. "Because I could see it in your eyes that you are reckless with your life."

Ouch. That hurt. I cringe from his answer, hating him for it. Who the hell does he think he is? He doesn't know me at all. He doesn't know how hard I fought that night to live. How hard I am still fighting.

"You don't know a thing about me" I say my voice coming out stronger than I thought it would.

"I know more than you think" he says with a fierceness I'm not sure I like. I'm not sure I like how cocky he seems to be. Last night I had mistaken it for confidence but now I saw how smug he is and I hated it.

"Shall we go then?" he asks his tone light now but not friendly. I glare at him, hating him for assuming things about me.

Without a word I turn around and go back into my room not being able to stand looking at him any longer, but hating myself at the same time for still wanting to.

About two hours later Nikki and I are ready for class. I haven't mentioned my run in with Storm and I don't intend to. I hope we both pretend it never happened. If I never have to say another word to him I'll be happy.

Sure enough both Storm and Manning are waiting for us when we step out of our room. Manning smiles gently at both of us and says good morning. Nikki returns his greeting and I offer a small smile. I don't even glance at Storm even though my eyes are dying to drink him in. Stupid traitorous eyes.

I feel his eyes on me as we walk and with every step I want to turn around and look back at him, but I force myself to keep my eyes forward because he doesn't matter. What he said doesn't matter.

We stop for coffee and bagels at the café, but the guys only get coffee. When we enter the classroom I don't miss the way people stare at my escorts. I feel my cheeks burn, but then when I look at Manning I notice he is dressed casually and blends in. He would blend in flawlessly if it wasn't for his age. It's then that I glance back at Storm who is seated behind me and I see he is dressed casually as well. He's in a plain black t-shirt that hugs his broad chest and biceps and dark jeans that hang low on his lean hips. Now I know why everyone is staring, or at least every female. Unlike Manning, Storm blends in perfectly as the part of regular college student, or as perfectly as someone who looks like that can.

He looks even younger right now than he did last night or even this morning. He really looks like a twenty something year old kid instead of the protector he has been hired to be. As I stare at him longingly I remind myself I hate him and spin back around in my chair.

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