Chapter 23

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"Oooff" the air rushes out of me as I hit the ground. Ouch, that one hurt. That's what I get though for letting myself get distracted by Colt's magnificent body while sparring. I only take a moment before I spring up to my feet because I know he won't cut me any slack. He'll be continuing his attack any second now. Sure enough before I'm even fully back on my feet I see his fist come flying at my face. Thankfully I duck and he misses.

"Focus" he instructs roughly and I know he's referring to my complete lack of focus a moment ago. I was really hoping he hadn't noticed me ogling his biceps. Oh well.

Once I'm fully settled back on my feet I surprise him by going on the offensive and take the fight to him. I throw a punch I know I won't land but its all part of my plan. He dodges it like I expect him to and then he comes at me full swing but I drop to the ground and kick his legs out from under him and he falls flat on his back. This time it's him who releases a huge gush of air when he hits the ground. I would feel bad if I wasn't so proud of myself. I beat him. I finally beat him.

I boldly take this opportunity to straddle him while he lays flat on his back across the mat. "I win" I say as I flash him a dazzlingly smile.

"You think so?" he asks as he chuckles and smiles broadly back at me. His eyes dance with humor and pride and my heart swells.

"Yep" I say still smiling as I lean forward and hold both of him arms down. "I. Win" I whisper again before I kiss him.

The kiss starts off slow but as usual Colt's hunger and intensity takes over and before I know it in one swift lethal move he has me flat on my back. I look up at him as he briefly pulls away from our kiss and his eyes are now filled with hunger and want and victory. "I win" he whispers now with a ghost of a smile just before he places his lips back on mine.

He has me pinned down and completely at his mercy and I couldn't care less. He kisses me deeper. Harder. His hunger for me never lessening. I know the feeling. I kiss him back with equal desperation and want as I link my fingers with his. I feel so connected to him. I have never felt this close to another human being in my life and I don't just mean because our bodies are pressed against each other. I mean that in some ways it feels like I have known Colt my entire life, like my soul knows his.

I loved Connor, but I didn't love him the way he loved me or the way I love Colt. I loved him more as a friend. Yes, he was my boyfriend but I realized now that I wasn't in love with him. I didn't have these explosive feelings for him that I have for Colt, which is probably why I never slept with him.

As Colt drives his hips into mine I briefly wonder if he'll care that I'm a virgin. It's obvious that he's not, but will it bother him that I am? God, I hope not. We already have enough problems. He moves against me again and I sigh into him as I wrap my legs around him pulling him closer. Suddenly all thoughts about my virginity float away as I lose myself in him and our passion. He kisses my throat and bites my earlobe as he moves down my neck and I silently beg for more. He finally releases my hands as he tugs off his shirt and I gaze up at him appreciatively. His body is perfection. Greek Gods would be jealous of the way he looks. I want to drink him in more but all too quickly he leans back down and resumes kissing me. I let my hands roam freely now over his body touching every hard ripple and I love the way it feels when his muscles move under my touch. I want more. When he reaches for my shirt though I suddenly freeze.

"What's wrong?" he asks breathlessly as he stills above me sensing my hesitation. I avert my eyes suddenly feeling exposed and embarrassed. He reaches for my chin and moves my head until my eyes move up to meet his. "Talk to me" he pleads gently. "Did I do something wrong?"

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