Chapter 26

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Colt: (yes you read that right)

I've been stuck at the police station filling out a report, filing the photograph into evidence, and talking with the police chief as well as his detectives for the past few hours. I know this is my job and I'm happy to be doing it, but right now all I can think about is getting back to Ryler. I promised her I would come back to check on her.

I think of how she looked when I left and the thought makes me feel sick. She's so scared and instead of being there for her, I'm here doing this. This will help her in the long run though, the voice in my head reminds me.

I'm growing impatient as I wait for the chief to wrap things up here. I did not plan on being gone this long. I check my phone for the millionth time making sure Ryler, Manning, or Nikki didn't contact me. A part of me almost wishes I would see that they did, but I remind myself that no news is better. It means Ryler's okay.

I'm about to slip my phone back into my pocket when it begins vibrating in my hand. I look down anxiously and see Nikki's name lighting up the screen. I answer it immediately.

"What's wrong?" I ask avoiding any pleasantries.

"Storm . . ." Nikki says uneasily and my stomach drops. "You should come back. Ryler's having a nightmare and I can't wake her. She keeps crying for you."

My heart breaks, "I'm on my way" I say as I make my way to the exit not bothering to tell anyone that I'm leaving. I hang up and run to the SUV and break pretty much every traffic law as I race back to campus. It's a ten minute drive and I manage to make it there in five. I park illegally in front of the dorm building and race up the stairs to get to her.

When I'm a few doors away I can hear her screams and my heart shatters from the sounds. She sounds so hurt and scared. I bang on the door when I reach it and find the door locked. Nikki opens it immediately and I storm inside the room needing to get to her. When I see her thrashing around on her bed, tears streaming down her face as she cries my name over and over, I know I'll never be the same. I stride over to her bed and lay down next to her as I gather her into my arms, stilling her. She continues to shiver and shake as tears spill down her cheeks and I feel like I might cry myself from seeing her this way.

"No!" she screams as more tears spill. "Colt" she cries, my name a strangled sob on her lips.

"Shh" I say into her hair as I plant a kiss on her head. "I'm here. You're safe. I've got you." I repeat these words over and over as I rub her back and continue to kiss her hair. "Ryler, baby, please wake up. You're safe I'm here" I plead softly, feeling desperate as she continues to shake in my arms.

Eventually her cries and tears stop and she stills as her eyes slowly blink open. She looks up at me with her beautiful violet-blue eyes which are red from crying and they are filled with awe as she stares up at me. "You're here" she says and it comes out a soft sob. "You're safe" she continues, sounding relieved as more tears fall from her eyes now.

"I'm here" I whisper, trying to console her as I pull her tighter against my chest.

"He killed you" she whispers horrified as she looks up at me with hollow eyes.

I shake my head gently, "He didn't. I'm right here Ry. I got you. We're both safe."

"It felt so real Colt" she continues to whisper hauntingly. "He killed you right in front of me. I watched you die." From the sickened haunted look on her face you would think that she did in fact watch me die.

"But you didn't" I whisper trying to make her understand her dream wasn't real. "I'm right here Ryler. It was only a nightmare."

She nods softly but I can tell she is still very shaken. I shift from beneath her and stand from the bed and she looks up at me with wide frightened eyes. "You can't leave" she says desperately, her voice filled with fear.

"I'm not leaving" I say gently as I bend down to remove my shoes. "I hope you don't mind if I stay Nikki" I add as I look over at her.

She looks up at me and I can tell she's grateful I'm here, "Of course not" she says.

I nod in her direction, quietly thanking her before I return to the bed. I pull Ryler to me and she rests her head over my heart as I wrap my arms around her.

After several moments of silence she whispers, "I'm afraid to close my eyes Colt. I don't want to lose you again."

"You haven't lost me" I whisper in return. "I'm right here Ryler. I promised you I would always come back for you. I intend to keep that promise. Now, close your eyes and get some rest. I promise I'll still be here in the morning."

She says nothing in return, but simply plants one soft kiss on my chest before nuzzling her face into my shirt. I squeeze her in return and feel her slip into a peaceful sleep within minutes. I knew she was exhausted. I watch her sleep in my arms for hours, making sure she doesn't have another nightmare. Every now and then I whisper that I love her and that she's safe, hoping that my words will help to bring her good dreams. I know I'm a coward for not telling her that I love her to her face, but I wasn't sure I was ready. I wanted to tell her when this was all over. When we were both safe. She's the first person I have ever loved and I was terrified to lose her. Eventually with Ryler tucked safely and close to my side I let sleep take me away hoping I'll see her in my dreams. 

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