Chapter 11

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The next morning I roll over in my bed when I hear my phone go off from a text. I open it and see I have a text from Storm.

Storm: Open up

I leap from my bed as quietly and quickly as possible so I don't wake Nikki and tiptoe over to the door and when I open it I find Storm standing on the other side dressed and ready to go to the gym. As he looks at me I realize I'm still in my pajamas, which means I'm in tiny shorts and a tank top with no bra. My hair is down and messy and I'm wearing no make-up. My cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"What's wrong?" I ask once I regain my composure.

"Nothing" he says smoothly. "Let's go for a run. I figured you'd be up."

A small smile forms on my face as I realize why he asked if I have trouble sleeping yesterday. This was Storm's way of being sweet. He really isn't a complete asshole.

"Okay" I say. "Let me get dressed."

I close my door and get dressed in the dark with ease since I have done it countless times before. Once I'm ready we head out together.

"You used to run outside right?" he asks.

"Yea" I whisper as I feel sad remembering my old life. "Not anymore though."

"How about we change that?" he asks as he looks down at me.

"Seriously?" I ask as excitement flutters in my stomach at the thought of such freedom.

He nods, "It wasn't safe for you before, but things are different now."

I understood his meaning. He was here now and while he was nothing would happen to me. It was a comforting thought.

"Okay" I say fighting back my smile.

We walk to the sidewalk at the edge of campus and stretch a bit before we begin running. I can tell he's letting me set the pace but I don't mind that he is slowing his speed to match mine. I know I'm not a slow runner. I can run a mile in six minutes which in my opinion is pretty good.

We don't talk as we run. We just run quietly side by side and I enjoy the fresh crisp morning air in my lungs. It's been so long since I've done this and I missed it so much. We've run about three miles when Storm slows to a stop but I know it can't be because he's tired because he hasn't really even broken a sweat and he is still breathing evenly. So he must be stopping because he thinks I need a break.

"I can keep going" I say. "We don't need to stop."

"I know" he says evenly.

"Then why did you stop?" I ask confused.

He looks down at me and focuses those intense gray eyes on me. "I wanted to show you something" he says and then his gaze travels to a building about 100 feet from us. I read the sign on the building and see that it's a mixed martial arts gym.

Feeling intrigued I look back up at him. "Why?" I ask.

He meets my curious gaze and says, "I figured we could train here in the mornings. My friend owns the place and said we could use it."

I'm once again stunned by the kindness that can come from this intense hardened man. He didn't have to do this for me, but here he was doing it anyway. It was sweet even if he didn't see it that way.

I look into his stormy gray eyes which fit his personality and name so well and I see the question that lies in them. Will I trust him or turn him away?

"Okay" I say as I begin walking towards the building.

I feel him following me not even a second later. Once we reach the building Storm pulls a set of keys out of his pocket and opens the door and steps to the side to allow me through. Together we step into a wide open room which has mats laid out everywhere for sparing. I also see equipment splayed out in different areas. This is obviously a gym for experienced fighters.

Into Darknessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن