Chapter 29

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I'm on my way to visit Ryler's parents to check on them, like I have been doing every week since they moved into the safe house. I haven't told Ryler that I do this and a part of me feels guilty for not telling her but I knew if I told her she'd want to come along and it would only start another fight between us because I would have to tell her no. I would be putting her and her parents in danger if I brought her, but Ryler didn't care much for her safety, that much has been made clear to me.

As I pull up to the safe house I notice something is off and I'm immediately on high alert. I park the car and as I get out I look around checking for anything out of the ordinary. I see Ryler's parent's cars and the cars of the agents assigned to them, but I don't notice anything wrong yet. I climb the stairs of the porch to the front door and that's when I see the body of one of the agents lying on the floor. I rush over to him and check his pulse, but I find none. Dammit.

I leap to my feet and open the front door and step inside the house as I drawn my gun. I clear the front room and then the kitchen and the living room and dining room before going upstairs. As I ascend the stairs I find the body of the other agent at the top. I lean down and check for a pulse once again, praying I find one but I don't. I curse under my breath. I pause for only a moment before I stand again and check the rest of the house, but I find no one else. I worry for Ryler's parents but then I remember the panic room located in the closet of the master bedroom and I run to get there.

I push past all the clothes to find the entrance and discover the door has been locked. I breathe a sigh of relief. They're in there, now I just hope they are unharmed. I locate the camera which allows for them to see outside of the panic room and I wave.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, its Agent Storm" I say facing the camera. "The house is clear you can come out."

A moment later I hear the door unlock and Mr. Stevens steps out first followed by his wife. "Are either of you hurt?" I ask. It's then that I see Mr. Stevens has a bandage on his arm which is covered in blood and so is his shirt. "We need to get you to a hospital sir" I say immediately. "Mrs. Stevens are you alright?" I ask her.

She nods but I can tell she is in danger of going into shock. "I wasn't hurt" she whispers. "Just my husband. He was cut."

"Okay" I say gently. "Let's get you two out of here."

"Agent McCarthy and Agent Reilly?" Mr. Stevens asks hopefully.

I shake my head and I see pain flash across his eyes. "You should cover your wife's eyes sir so she doesn't have to see" I whisper softly and he nods in agreement.

The three of us leave the house together and head to the hospital. I call the police on our way and Agent Hawthorne. I ask him to wait before calling Agent Manning because I want to be the one to tell Ryler this news and he agrees. I'm eager to get back to her. I send Manning a quick text just to make sure everything is okay. I'm relieved when he says everything is fine.

"Is our daughter safe?" Mr. Stevens asks once I'm done making all my calls.

I nod, "Yes sir. She's safe. I will bring her to you once I get you both settled in at the hospital."

"Will it be safe for her to leave the dorm?" he asks. I can tell he is desperate to see his daughter but I admire his will to keep her safe even if it means he can't see her at a time like this.

"She'll be safe sir" I vow. "Besides, I'm sure once I tell her the news she will demand to see you both" I add trying to lighten the mood.

He laughs softly and even Mrs. Stevens cracks a smile. "Yes" he says still laughing. "Our daughter can be quite headstrong can't she?"

I nod, "Yes sir."

Two police officers are waiting for us when we arrive at the hospital and once I see to it that Ryler's parents are in excellent hands with the doctors and that the two officers understand they are not to leave their sides for any reason I leave to get back to Ryler. I feel nervous the whole ride back and I know once I tell her she is going to either fall apart or shut me out and I'm not prepared for either. This news will crush her and I don't want to be the one to do this to her. I only want to make her happy and keep her safe. She will blame herself for this though. She will hate herself for being the reason her parents were attacked. I can only hope that once I tell her she'll let me be there for her and that she won't shut down. She can't give up. She can't. I won't let her. I won't. 

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