Chapter 17

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"That's pretty" Nikki says as I come into our suite and sit on my bed.

For a split second I'm not sure what she's talking about but then I see her eyes trained on my neck and I realize she is talking about my necklace.

"Oh . . ." I say taken off guard. "Thanks."

"So did you and Storm go shopping after therapy" she asks not letting this slide. I cringe at her persistence.

"Um . . . no" I say unable to lie to her.

"Then where did you get the necklace?"

I give her a pointed look that asks if she is conducting an interrogation or not right now and I see her eyes soften apologetically for a moment. I sigh giving in, "Storm gave it to me."

"He what?" she asks completely shocked even though I'm pretty sure this is what she suspected.

I shrug like it's no big deal. "He thought it would help brighten my day considering how crappy things have been going for me lately."

Nikki pauses for a moment as she tries to decipher whether or not this is total bullshit. "So there is nothing going on between the two of you?" she questions.

"What?" I ask now completely shocked at her boldness and the accusation. I mean of course I would like there to be something going on but did she honestly believe I would be able to keep something like that from her? "Of course not" I say truthfully because there isn't. "We're friends . . . I guess." I'm not sure friends is the word I would use to describe us but it would have to do for now.

"Okay" she concedes. "Sorry. It's just I've noticed the way you two look at each other sometimes and then there are all the heated arguments. It just seems like you two have a very passionate friendship."

I grow still for a moment when she mentions how she's noticed the way we look at one another because it means that I'm not being careful enough and I would hate for Manning to notice, but I also can't help but get stuck on the fact that apparently Storm has been returning those same looks. "Trust me. Those fights are not because we are having some secret passionate affair. Those fights are because Storm and I butt heads over pretty much everything when it comes to how I live my life" I inform her with a laugh. I also feel better about the fact that this is the truth and that I'm not lying to her, but I decide to give her a little more anyway since she is my best friend and I trust her more than anyone. "I'll admit I find Storm very attractive but I promise that there is nothing going on between us."

I see Nikki relax and she smiles at me. "Ugh good, I was worried that you were hiding it from me. I just want you to know that I wouldn't judge you if there was something going on. I mean first of all Storm is gorgeous and he has that whole brooding protective thing going for him, but you also just deserve to be happy. I would totally support you moving on."

It feels so good to hear that Nikki would approve if there were by some miracle ever anything going on between Storm and me. I'll admit a part of me was worried she wouldn't approve of me having feelings for the guy who is supposed to be guarding my life. It was nice to know that I could tell her if something ever did happen. It also hurt though to hear her talk about me moving on because Connor has already been mentioned too many times today in so many ways.

Nikki must be able to see this on my face because she says, "I'm sorry Ry. I didn't mean to . . . bring him up like that."

I smile weakly at her. "It's okay" I say. "He's just been mentioned a lot today."

"I'm guessing therapy didn't go so well" she says in observation.

"No" I say with a laugh I don't feel. "It started off well, but ended with me yelling at Dr. Roberts and throwing and breaking her stuff. Storm actually had to carry me out."

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