Chapter 28

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Colt and I are in my room and he's lounging on my couch with me while I do my homework. I'll admit he's very distracting so getting work done has been incredibly difficult. All I can think about is how much I'd rather be kissing him. I catch him looking at me sometimes but otherwise his attention remains focused on the book he is reading. He seems perfectly at ease, which is unusual for him. I feel like he is normally wound so tight, always on guard. It was nice seeing him this way. It was nice to know he could be like this around me.

"Stop staring" he says with his eyes still focused on his book and I wonder how he knew I was staring. I like that I can hear a smile in his voice though. He's being playful. I like it when he's playful.

"Stop being so distracting" I tease back.

"Me? Distracting?" he says mockingly as he holds a hand to his chest.

"Yes" I say as I smile at him and stifle a giggle.

He puts his book down as he leans closer with a predatory glint in his eyes and I feel butterflies in my stomach. "Is it distracting if I do this?" he asks as he leans in and plants a kiss on my cheek and his lips linger on my skin.

"Yes" I whisper suddenly feeling breathless.

"How about this?" he asks softly as he trails another kiss down my jaw.

I swallow nervously. "Yes" I whisper again as want floods my system.

"And this?" he asks seductively as he trails kisses from my jaw to my neck.

"Colt" I whisper breathlessly. "Please."

"Please what baby?" he asks but I can hear the small smile in his voice and I know he knows exactly what he's doing.

"Kiss me" I command quietly.

My eyes are closed but I can feel his smile as he whispers, "As you wish." His lips brush over mine softly and briefly, making me want more. I whimper as he pulls away, but then his lips are back on mine hungrier than ever as he devours me. You would think after our interlude in his room earlier that our need for each other would be satisfied, but I'm not sure it ever would be. I was starved for his touch and it seemed he felt the same way about mine. I want him and I need him, and I can tell by the way he is kissing me now that he needs me to. He kisses me desperately as his hands tangle in my hair making it impossible for me to break away, not that I would ever want to. I find myself pressing closer to him as I move to straddle his lap. His hands move from my hair to my hips as he grips them, kneading them and I sigh into him. My hands move to his shirt wanting to rid him of it, but then I hear the doorknob turning and before I have any time to think about what is happening Colt is moving me off his lap back onto the couch and is picking up his book like nothing happened. I on the other hand am still breathless on the couch with my hair in a wild crazy mess as Nikki comes walking into the suite.

"Hey, oh good you're here" Nikki says as she comes waltzing in but she stops dead in her tracks when she sees Colt sitting on the couch beside me. He has put his book down now and is regarding Nikki softly. "Sorry" she says like she is intruding. "I didn't realize . . . we had company" she adds awkwardly.

"Don't apologize" I say immediately but my voice comes out surprisingly calm and relaxed. "Colt was just hanging out with me while I did some homework" I explain.

"Okay" Nikki says but I can tell she is still a little uncomfortable. I know it's not because of my relationship with Colt, but more because this situation has never happened before. Nikki has never walked in on me with a boy before in our room. We were in new territory here. She straightens as she gathers her thoughts and then says, "How are you feeling?"

"Better" I say and I blush as my eyes catch Colt's and I remember what we were doing a moment ago.

Nikki looks from me to Colt, no doubt putting two and two together, and I see a pleased smile take place on her face. "Good" she says seemingly satisfied.

"How were classes?" I ask diverting the attention from me.

She sighs, "They were okay. Pretty good for the most part. I have notes for you" she says as she grabs a notebook from her backpack.

"Thanks" I say gratefully as I take the notebook from her.

"No problem" she says simply.

Nikki goes about taking the rest of her books out and I begin transcribing her notes when I feel Colt shift next to me. "I should go" he whispers softly.

"Okay" I whisper sadly hating that he's leaving, but I know he probably has work to attend to.

"Be good" he says as he smirks at me and I want to kiss that delicious smirk off his face.

I feign hurt as I place a hand on my chest, "Are you suggesting that I am ever anything but well behaved?"

He chuckles softly and I love the sound. "I'll be back to check on you later. Call me if you need me" he says as he plants a soft kiss on my forehead before standing.

"Are you going out?" I ask as he moves towards the door.

He stills as he turns back to look at me, "I may have some stuff to take care of yes."

"Stuff that has to do with the case?" I ask suddenly feeling worried for him and his safety.

His eyes soften as he looks at me and I know he can see my fear. He sighs as he steps closer to me closing the distance. "I'll be fine. You don't need to worry about me. I promise I will not be doing anything dangerous tonight. Okay?" he asks as he rubs my cheek with his thumb.

"Okay" I whisper, but I know I'll still worry. He plants another kiss on my forehead before turning and walking out the door. I find myself staring after him for a long time before I hear Nikki clear her throat.

"You okay?" she asks quietly.

I nod, "Yea. I'm just worried about him."

"He'll be okay Ry" she says reassuringly. "He's pretty badass."

I laugh. Leave it to Nikki to be able to make me laugh right now. "Thanks Nikki."

"Comic relief. It's what I'm here for Ry" she says as she smiles at me. "So you two are good?" she asks after a moment.

I smile, "Really good Nikki."

"Good" she says as she smiles back at me. "And you're really feeling better? I mean the last twenty four hours have been pretty intense."

I nod, "Yea they have, but I'm feeling good Nikki. I can worry myself sick, but that isn't going to do anyone any favors. I know Colt will keep us safe" I say feeling completely confident in him.

"Okay" she says as she nods in agreement. "Good. I'm glad to see that you're happy Ry. If anyone deserves to be it's you."

I feel tears burn my eyes, "Thanks Nikki, but I think we both know you deserve it more than me. You are the most amazing friend anyone could ask for and I don't think I tell you that enough."

Tears form in Nikki's eyes too, "I love you Ry" she whispers.

"I love you too Nik." 

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