Chapter 15

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It is now Friday and to say that things between Storm and I have been awkward since our conversation on Wednesday would be a serious understatement. I know Nikki could tell there was something off between us but I just allowed her to chalk it up to another argument after what happened in the dining hall that day. It was just easier that way. Why should I admit my feelings for Storm to her if nothing could ever become of them?

Storm has chosen the very mature approach of just pretending it never happened and has just been acting cold and distant. I long to see the gentle silver of his eyes when he looks at me sometimes, but I haven't seen it, mostly because Storm has made it a point to not look at me unless he has to, and when he does the cold hard steel in his gaze leaves me feeling empty. I miss the few warm unfiltered moments we have shared with one another over the past couple weeks and I fear now that the chance of one of those happening ever again is nonexistent. To be honest I'm not sure I'll be able to conceal my feelings for him for that much longer.

When I hear the knock at the door I grab my bag and head out to meet Storm since he is here to take me to therapy. We say nothing to one another as we walk to the car together and a part of me desperately wants to break the silence because it is weighing on me heavily. I hate it.

We are a few feet from the car when I open my mouth to speak, "Storm?" I say quietly. He pauses to look at me and I'm about to continue but then I see it. A white envelope resting on the hood of the SUV. My stomach drops.

"Ryler?" he questions as he follows my gaze and when he sees the envelope I see his whole body tense up as he pulls me closer to him. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls Agent Manning and then Agent Hawthorne. I try to pay attention to what he is saying but I'm having trouble focusing. The past couple weeks I have been highly aware that the man who tried to kill me almost three years ago is back but being around Storm and having these feelings for him has been an amazing distraction, but seeing that white envelope was like dumping a bucket full of ice water on my head.

Before I have time to realize what is happening he is moving me towards the SUV and I notice he is now wearing latex gloves as he picks up the envelope. He's still on the phone with Agent Hawthorne when he opens it and once he reads the contents of what is in it he relays the information to Agent Hawthorne. I chance at look at what he's holding and when I do my heart pounds in my chest and my stomach ties up into knots. I think I'm going to be sick. It's another photo except now it's a photo not just of me but of me and Connor and on the back it says 'Remember him? No one is safe'. The words echo in my mind over and over again in an endless loop. No one is safe. I feel numb inside as I realize what he's telling me. No one I love is safe. He'll be coming after them.

Storm hangs up the phone and places his hands on my shoulders as he leans down to be eye level with me. "Ryler?" he says as he shakes me gently and I can hear the concern in his voice. I wonder if he has been calling my name for a while. "Ryler" he says again gently commanding a response.

"No one is safe" I whisper hollowly as I feel myself sway, my vision blurry. The last thing I see his Storm's panicked face and then I black out.

When I wake later I'm in my room and Storm is sitting at my bed side with his head in his hands. He looks stressed and exhausted. I move to sit up and when I do his head whips up to look at me.

"You're awake" he breathes relieved.

I nod as what happened earlier today sets back into my mind. I look around and realize Nikki is missing. "Where's Nikki" I ask feeling panicked.

Storm places a hand gently on my shoulder, "Relax" he says gently. "She's safe. She went with Manning down to the police station to fill them in on what's happened. Trust me, she didn't want to leave you but I kind of forced her to."

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