Chapter 37

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When my eyes open this time I have a splitting headache and my lip feels swollen and tender. I realize now it was a bad idea to piss him off but maybe not since instead of cutting me he merely hit me and then left me alone. I may have bought myself some more time by acting so foolishly. I try to find comfort in this.

I try to guess how long I've been out. My guess is maybe only a few minutes but it could have been longer since the drugs were still in my system making me drowsy. Since I'm alone I once again try to think of ways to escape but come up with none. My wrists and ankles now are killing me as I feel that they have been rubbed raw and are starting to bleed which isn't good. No blood loss is good. It means I'm losing strength and I need all my strength.

He pulled them so tightly I know I have no chance of slipping out of them even if I could somehow find the strength to dislocate my thumb. I think about trying to maybe break the chair again but figure it's a bad idea. I doubt the chair will break. It's too sturdy. I may be able to damage it a little but not enough to get away. He would undoubtedly hear me and then who knows what he would do when he saw what I was trying to do. He would not only punish me but also possibly go after Nikki and my parents. I couldn't risk that.

I'm left alone for maybe another ten minutes before he returns. He ignores me and walks over to the table, probably to pick up the scalpel again or maybe something else. When he walks back over to me I see the scalpel in his hand and I can still sense his lingering anger although he has calmed down considerably.

"Let's not do that again Rachel" he says quietly but he's still seething on the inside. I can tell. "You'll ruin this."

Good, I think to myself. I want to ruin this. I want to take this experience from you.

He holds the scalpel up and examines it. "I've thought for a long time about this moment and what I would do to you first. I thought the scalpel would be a good place to start. It will make nice clean cuts. You know this though. I'm sure you remember" he adds as he looks down at my arm where we both know the scar lies on my forearm.

Once again I feel my hands and arms fight against the restraints as I feel myself aching to hit him. A fire burns inside me as anger consumes me. I hate this monster. I really fucking hate him. I want to make him pay. I want to make him hurt.

I stare at him defiantly as he steps closer to me and I fight the urge to scream at him because I know yelling will not deter him from doing what he is about to do. It will only encourage him because he gets off on it. So instead I fight to remain eerily calm even though my heart is pounding rapidly and I'm terrified of the pain he is about to inflict on me.

I clench my jaw and breathe deeply through my nose and continue to glare at him as he moves to the side of me and takes the scalpel and makes a small incision near the crook of my elbow. All of my muscles tighten as I fight the instinct to scream through the pain. I pull against the restraints and the pain in my wrists and ankles actually helps to distract me from the pain in my arm.

He moves away from me then and walks over to the table and places the scalpel back on it. I breathe a silent breath of relief thinking maybe he is done for now since he wants to make this last for days and he can't do that if he makes me bleed out. I already feel blood spilling down my arm. It's warm and wet and I try to ignore how much of it I feel like I'm losing. He comes back over to me holding hydrogen peroxide and gauze. I cringe as I think about how badly the peroxide is going to sting. Especially since I know I most likely need stitches.

He opens the bottle and pours some out. "Now this is going to sting but we wouldn't want you to get an infection. We have to keep you healthy for as long as possible."

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