Chapter 16

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The next day I wake up early as per usual, but for once I wake feeling well rested. I slept for several hours straight with Storm sitting by my bed side. When I woke though he was gone and I found Nikki in his place. She explained that he stayed for a while after she returned but it eventually got late and she convinced him to leave. She actually gushed about how sweet it was that he just sat and watched me sleep for hours and how concerned he seemed to be about me. I tried to play it off like it didn't mean anything to me, but deep down it did. It meant so much to know that he cares, even if we can never be together.

Storm and I forgo our morning training session today so he can take me to see Dr. Roberts since I never made it there yesterday. I actually wanted to talk to her and she made it clear that she wanted to talk to me after what went down yesterday. I wasn't surprised.

I meet Storm in the hallway at eight am and he actually offers me a small gentle smile when he sees me today. We say good morning to one another and then we walk out to the parking lot in peaceful silence.

Once we are in the car he speaks, "How are you feeling today?" he asks.

I pause before answering, "I'm okay. I actually feel well rested for once. Thank you for staying with me."

He nods, meeting my eyes in the rearview mirror but says nothing. It's okay though, I can see his answer in his gray eyes and they tell me he wouldn't have had it any other way, even if his feelings for me are a constant struggle.

We are quiet for the rest of the drive, but when we reach Dr. Roberts' building Storm doesn't immediately get out of the car like I was expecting him to. Instead he turns around in his seat and pulls a box out of his jacket pocket.

"I got you something" he says as he hands it to me.

I take the black box out of his hand and hold it in both of mine as I stare at it and then him unsure of what to make of this. "Well are you going to open it?" he prompts.

"I don't understand" I say stupidly. "What's this for?"

He pauses and I can tell he's slightly surprised that I haven't just ripped the box open yet like most girls would have. "Let's just say it's something to help brighten your day" he says and I understand that he means because of what happened yesterday. It was probably silly but I couldn't help but feel warm inside that he got me a present. No matter what the reason.

"Okay" I say as I continue to hold the box in my hands and he nods at me encouragingly to open it. I smile as I slowly lift the lid off the box and when I see what's inside it takes my breath away. It's a necklace. It's a simple delicate silver chain with a beautiful pendant attached to it. I observe the pendant more closely and see that it is an intricate Celtic knot.

"It's beautiful" I breathe as I lift it out of the box.

"You like it?" he asks quietly and I can hear the hope in his voice.

I nod as I smile at him. "I love it. Thank you."

"Here let me put it on you" he says and I hand over the necklace to him and turn around so he can place it around my neck. I lift my hair out of the way and I feel his fingers lightly graze my skin as he fastens the necklace. The simple touch causes me to shiver.

"As long as you wear this necklace you will always be safe" he whispers to me, his warm breath caressing my skin. "Promise me you'll never take it off."

"I promise" I say without a moment's pause or question and I don't miss how breathy my voice sounds and I have no doubt that it is due to Storm's closeness. When I turn around to face him I find him staring at me intently, his eyes silver and heated with a want I have no doubt my own eyes are reflecting back at him. It was nice to know he wanted me too. Amongst the want though there was desire, but not for my body but for my safety. I could see that above everything and anything else that is what he craves most.

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