Chapter 30

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Nikki and I spend the next couple hours doing homework and talking. As the hours pass by I'll admit I wonder where Colt is but I try not to worry. He's safe, or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

I'm about to text him when there is a gentle knock at the door and then I hear Colt's soft voice on the other side. "Ry, it's me" he says gently.

I jump up and open the door and my heart lurches as I see blood on his clothes and the pained expression on his face. "Oh my gosh" I say my voice a hushed whisper. "Are you hurt?" I ask worriedly as I look him over.

"No, I'm fine" he says gently. I move aside so he can come in and he closes the door behind him once we are both inside.

"What happened?" I ask as a million questions start flooding my brain. "Whose blood is that?"

"Maybe you should sit down Ry" he says still using that gentle tone and it's starting to make me nervous. What could be so bad that I would need to sit down? What is he about to tell me?

Nikki comes over and guides me towards the bed and sits down next to me as Colt kneels in front of me. My heart is pounding but I find that I'm numb, like my mind knows it needs to shut down because whatever he is going to say is going to be bad.

"What happened?" I ask again, this time my voice is barely audible as the numbness sets in.

Colt swallows nervously as he tries to appear calm and in control but I know him well enough to know he is anything but calm on the inside right now. "I went to visit the safe house where your parents are staying" he starts off and my world stops.

"No" I whisper as I stand needing him to stop talking because I don't want to hear this.

He stands with me and grabs my arms gently as he forces me to look at him. "Your parents are safe Ryler. They're safe" he says strongly and I feel my heart start beating again.

"They're safe?" I ask hopefully, needing to hear him say it again.

"Yes" he says gently. "They're safe. They are at the hospital."

"Hospital?" I ask immediately. "They're hurt?"

"They're fine" he says calmingly. "Your dad has a minor laceration to his arm and your mom was unharmed, shaken, but unharmed."

"What happened?" I ask desperately needing the whole story.

"The safe house was breached" he says regretfully, like he doesn't want to be telling me this. I can tell he is having a hard time of deciding what role to take right now. My boyfriend or FBI agent. "Your parents were able to get to the panic room though."

I'm relieved to hear that they are safe, but how did this happen? "How did he find them?" I ask bewildered.

"We're not sure" Colt says and I can tell he wishes he had answers for me.

"They're safe though?" I ask, needing to hear it again.

"Yes" he says gently as he nods.

I exhale deeply. "Will you take me to see them?" I ask.

"Yes" he says and he seems relieved for some reason. "Let's go. The car is out front."

Twenty minutes later I burst into the hospital and Colt takes me to where my parents were being treated. I'm relieved when we find that they are still there. I throw myself into my mother's arms as soon as I reach her and she twines her arms around me as she holds me close. Another moment later I feel my father's strong arms wrap around both of us. Before I can stop myself I sob.

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