Chapter- 7

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[A quick note- I am gonna put y/n's pov after she have kissed tae]


I didn't mean to kiss him but I don't know why I did that, I screwed everything. I don't know what came on my mind and I kissed Taehyung. At that moment I tried to tell him sorry bit he didn't listen to me and left the restaurant and I am not complaining about his anger but he should have listened to my explanation.

Now I am all fucked up, I also tried to  call Jimin, who is missing since he went to the washroom. I don't know where he went but he didn't pick my phone up not only that he's been ignoring my messages also. No wonder Tae told him everything what I have done, that's why he's been ignoring me. I have been crying since I have reached home after that incident.

Next morning I went to college I saw Jimin standing and talking to someone when I went little closer I saw one of our college's popular girl Cha Hee Jo. I went to him and, "Jimin, why aren't you picking my calls and why are you ignoring my messages?", I asked him I knew why but still I wanna know from his mouth. But Hee Jo didn't let Jimin answer she answered in behalf of him, "He ain't  interested talking with you, bitch", Hee Jo said with her harsh words. And do you know Jimin said nothing to her he literally kept quite. I kept looking at him thinking he would say any thing to her but he didn't. "What are you staring at him bitch? What do you thought he would support you over me?", she said in a dramatic way. Still Jimin said nothing to her. By saying that she and Jimin exit holding each others hand leaving me alone with Hee Jo's harsh words.

Honestly Hee Jo's words didn't hurt me but what hurt me mostly is Jimin's behaviour towards me. Nobody is letting me explain, nobody is ready to listen my side. Tears streaming through my eyes. I don't know why but when I saw Jimin with her my heart fell. I didn't expected Jimin to be with a girl like her who is a total slut. I didn't attended college and left because I would not handle them being together, I don't know why but my heart will ache whenever I will see them together.

Jimin POV

Today at college when I entered, I saw Cha Hee Jo calling me by my name. She was always interested in me but I don't like her a single bit. "Hey Jimin wanna to a coffee date with me and my friends, you can take your friends too if you want?", she asked me. I was about to she her a no but suddenly I saw Y/N in front of me and then she started talking to me. "Jimin, why aren't you picking my calls and why are you ignoring my messages?", she asked me in a voice you can clearly say that she has been crying. Thinking of that she was crying my heart sank.  Then I remembered she likes Tae, 'she might be crying because of Tae' I thought to myself.

I came back from my thoughts when I heard Hee Jo saying something to Y/N. "He ain't  interested talking with you, bitch", Cha Hee Jo said to Y/N in a very harsh way, but I didn't say anything because whenever I remember her of kissing Tae it breaks my heart, I know I have never said Y/N of me liking her but still if she liked Tae she should have said me, as a friend also she could have said me. While I was in my train of thoughts I didn't realize that Y/N is staring me but then Hee Joo said some more harsh words to Y/N. Then she took my hand and we both went passing Y/N.

One part of me want to be the side of Y/N and the other part of me is feeling betrayed of not letting me know that she likes Tae.

So I did nothing and went with her, "So will you go date with us?", Hee Jo asked me again. After thinking a little bit I said yes to her. She became so happy that she gave me a kiss on my cheek and left.

On that very day I didn't seen Y/N since that incident happened at morning.I tried to find her but I havn't seen her anywhere neither in the class nor in the canteen or anywhere in the college, I became little worried. I thought of calling her then I remember I should not talk with her she likes Tae, so I asked Tae to call her ask her where she is?

I told Tae everything what happened at the college early at the morning.

After like an hour Tae called me and said Y/N is not picking his phone and neither did she replied to any of his messages. Now that really worrying me. Then I gave up, and I called her but still she is not receiving my phone either. 'What happened to her? where did she go? why is she not receiving the god damn phone?' worries overloading through my head.


Today's chapter is might not be that interesting. But I added a new character in it.

Why do you think Y/N is hurt?
Will Jimin can find where Y/N disappeared?
[Let me know at the comments]

Well then...
Singing off,
Abanti Paul💜 

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