Chapter- 19

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Yesterday we had a party at our house and it went really well. Y/N spent yestarday's night with Jimin. I know they really love each other but, you know what sometimes I feel little bit uncomfortable when Y/N spent the night with other boys but what can I do now its about the curse and if we have had not married her then she should have died.

I woke up early in the morning, freshen up and get me a bit of breakfast and went off to work. Today also my work went same like every other day. Its nearly afternoon and we all promised that today we all will do the lunch together so I finished my work and was about to leave then I got a call from some unknown number, I picked it up. At first whoever it was at the opposite side was not responding, so I was about to cut the call then suddenly the opposite person started speaking-

"Kim Seokjin right?"
"Yes, but who are you?"
"Listen to me very carefully, today when you will reach at home you gonna fight with your wife, and you gonna hurt her feelings as badly as you can."
"Are you mad? Why will I hurt her? I love her and on top of that why will I listen to a random person who I don't know?"
"Haha... you will definitly listen to me and if you don't then I know where you family stays. I will kill them all. And I am not kidding at all."

I immediately cut that unknown person's call and called at my home but don't know why they are not picking my call. Thinking of that threat that unknown person gave to me my hands started getting cold and my throat getting dry. So I tried more but they didn't pick my call. Now, I am convinced that whoever that person was is not even kidding. Then again I got a call from the same unknown number who called me before.

"Now do you gonna hurt your wife with your words or not? Tell me or else..."
"No! I will do it"
"Good... then do it fast and remember don't even try to do any cleaver tactics because I will keep a eye on you and make sure you do it"
"Yes. I wi-will do i-it"

He cut that call immediately after I said I will do it. But how will I do it? How? I love her. I can't see her cry. I can't hurt her. If I do it she will hate me forever. But then I remembered about my family who may be in danger. I got all disturbed by the situation going on right now. But I have to do it.

I thought of a plan how to hurt her while returning to home. I came in front of our house door and thought of Y/N's face and said a sorry while remembering her face. And then rang the door bell, within seconds the door got open and the door has been opened by her. She was really happy seeing me, looking at her happy face my heart instantly broke. I went inside the house then she asked me, "Come lets eat together. You came at the right moment", she said looking at me happily and came up to kiss to my cheek but I refused it, that made her face fall and my heart ached at that sight. 'I don't want to baby please forgive if you can', I thought in my mind. She again regained her smile back and said, "Ah! Go get freshen up and lets eat okay go". In my mind I repeatedly chanted 'sorry' word. "Are you okay?", she asked me. I wish I could tell her I am not ok. I wish I could tell her that some random person who threaten me that if I not hurt you then they gonna kill my parents and family but I can't do that, I wish. But I can't say all this to her so I went straight to my room and then I got a text from that particular number who called me earlier.

 But I can't say all this to her so I went straight to my room and then I got a text from that particular number who called me earlier

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