Chapter- 12

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I became so scared that I curled myself up in the corner of the couch, thinking he will again wake up and attack me. Then my house bell rang and I jumped up with that sound. 'That might be Jimin' I ran to open the door and find out that its not Jimin, its Mom and Hyunjin's mother came back from shopping.

"Mom", I said and hugged my mom tight and started crying at the door and when my mom and her friend got worried as they started asking me what happened. "Mommy, Hyunjin attacked on me he tried to harass me an-and while in the process of saving myself I hit him with a flower vase", I explained them everything while I was sobbing.

Then Hyunjin's mother rushed towards his son and started crying and she called a doctor. By the time Jimin and boys also came at our house I instantly ran towards Jimin and hugged him. After few minutes later the doctor arrived and he started checking Hyunjin after that he said, "He's no more. I am so sorry, mam". I was so shocked how is even that possible. "You killed my son. I will call police right now", his mother shouted out loud at me. "But how's that possible? I hit him with just a vase. How can he be dead?", I asked looking at the doctor, confused. "You hit him in an inappropriate place of his head, that's why he died at the spot", the doc explained to us.

"You killed my son I will not leave you, my baby is dead because of you, YOU WITCH", she shouted at me again. "It was just a self defence, I didn't wanted to kill him", saying that I went towards mom and hugged her. "It was you plan to kill my son. My baby will never do such things whatever you have said. You murdered my son. You are a murderer", she started accusing me.

"My daughter did nothing wrong, I am with her, whatever she did is all right", said my mother.

"Yes, we are all with you", said Jin and others nodded there head. At that time I am feeling so good about all the people is with me and are supporting me.

"Okay, fine. I am gonna curse all of you and destroy all of yours lives as you all planned and destroyed my son's", said Mrs. Kim(Hyunjin's mother).

"What are you speaking are you out of your mind 'curse' and in this generation, these are all bullshit", said Suga while smiling. Listening to his comment his mother got angry and got up angrily from the ground. "You wanna see if it works or not? Fine". She suddenly looked at me and my mother and she said,"My dear best friend as your daughter had killed my son, so in the process of punishing her you have to die. And no, my baby's soul will not rest only in one curse", she turned around and looked at the boys and she said again,"all of you, all the seven of you have to marry her or else she will be the next to die after her mother, I curse you all, I curse you that all your lives will destroy".

"What you speaking? Why are you killing my mom? Isn't she your best friend?", I yelled at her. "Yes she is. But there no relationship with her any more. And yes she have to die, she will die soon", say that she left with her son's body to grave him.

"Mom, mom no this is all happening because of me", I said crying. "Are you mad nothing will happen Y/N. Such kind of thing doesn't exist", said Hobi. "Yes I told earlier only, these are bullshit", Suga agreed with Hobi.

"Yes baby, they are right don't worry ok?", my mom assured me. I nodded but still I can't make my mind up because I can feel something bad gonna happen and I can't stop that.

"Baby I should atleast go to his funeral", my mom told. "But mom, I will not let you go alone, you know she said you will die and I will not let you die", I said crying.

"Baby there is no such things, she said all those things in sadness, don't think about it I will be fine", saying that she left.

After 1 hour later

My mother went to the funeral living me and the boys alone in our house. Ever since she left I was sitting beside Jimin hugging him tightly, still scared.

Mom left to the funeral and it is already 1 hr but she did not arrived home yet. This is making me more worried. Then a call came at my number, that says my mom got into an car accident and she is really critical and she wants to see me. We all rushed to the hospital.

"Mom, mo-mom", I said while crying that I couldn't talk properly. I am not ready to loose my mom yet, I am continuously thinking that this is not true, but it is. My mom is very severely injured and will not survived much time.   

"Baby do what that woman said after I die, marry them and try to stay happy", saying that my mom died while holding my hands. Jimin came to hold onto me but I can't believe my mom is no longer with me, will never talk to me and will never make me breakfast. I already miss her.

"I said she gonna died, now you believe me boys", said that woman appearing in the hospital from nowhere.

I felt like, its better to die. I don't wanna ruin there's lifes.

Please, please le-leave them they have done nothing to you, please leave them", I said sobbing and begging to her. I don't want them to suffer for me I can do anything for her but she should spare them.

"You can kill me but spare them, let them go", I shouted.

"NO", said Jimin. "Don't kill her what you said will happen I promise we all will be together forever", Jimin said to her. "Yes, we promise too, we all will get marry and will be together forever" said the other six in unison.

I eyed to Jimin and the other six but they didn't listen to me and gave her a promise whatever she is saying will happen. And she granted the curse to us, everything went dark and I fainted.


Okay, today's chapter is lil sad. But next chapter will be about there wedding.
[Let me know in the comments about today's chapter]

Singing off,
Abanti Paul💜

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