Chapter- 9

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Jimin POV

At the college today when I was with Hee Jo the other boys also arrived to see me and as Hee Jo was busy introducing herself with my friends. While she was introducing, I was so bored that I started staring here and there then I spotted Y/N with some guy who I have never seen. She was looking at our direction only but when then guy said her something, both of them went inside together.

The whole day I couldn't stop thinking about that guy and Y/N. I couldn't understand who was he? I randomly guessed that he might be any student. But what is he doing with Y/N? A ton of questions coming across my mind.

And at the break time, again Hee Jo who os always with me. I can't get rid of her, 'I have to do something to get rid of her' I thought to myself. We both entered the canteen, when I entered I again spotted Y/N with that same guy earlier at the morning.

Both of them seemed so comfortable with each other, I have never seen her so comfortable ever before. I started staring at the way they have been sitting. Both of them talking, smiling and touching each others. 'What is going on over here?' I thought to myself.

I started to get angry over that boy who is continuously making her laugh then at one point I lot it and I get up from my seat and went to there table and I asked, "Who is he?" but she didn't reply to me and she didn't even look at me. 'What the heck is going on?' I thought. "Y/N I am asking something. Who is he?", I asked her again but that guy started, "I am-", Y/N cut him off by saying, "Don't talk with stranger". 'What I am a stranger to her now?' 'I thought of what is she doing?'.

Then Hee Jo started with his talk which made me more angry. "Don't you understand Jimin she is busy in sluting around with this little boy out there. Leave them alone, lets go have some fun", Hee Jo said. "Yeah, you can only have fun with any random guy, you see because everybody is not a hoe like you are. And yeah I am not supposed to give any answer to any stranger, okay. Lets go, I am full." She said but whatever she said is beyond herself. She is not like this, what happened to her. And who is that damn guy.

Jungkook POV

Me and Tae hyungie was sitting and gossiping by the roadside bench. And playing around like a little kid we are, but then I noticed Y/N and boy with her walking by the road, talking and smiling at each other. I showed them to hyungie, as expected he is also surprised by the sight. "Is that boy Y/N's boyfriend or what?", I asked to Hyungie. "I don't know, the last time I knew that she likes me", he said to my question. She passed by but she didn't even talked to us as if we are unknown or may be she didn't noticed us, I don't know. "Do you really will hide your feelings from Y/N because of Jimin hyungie?", I asked to Tae hyungie. Hyung stayed silent for few minutes then clearing his throat he begun, "I don't know, but as you know the day I first saw her I fell in love with her charm and every other details she has. But I can't tell this to her because I can't hurt Jimin's feeling on her. And I can clearly see Y/N also likes Jimin but she didn't realize it yet". "But she said she likes you and she even kissed you, what about that?", I asked being confused by his words.

"She doesn't like me in that way, she might like me in different way or may be its just a lust towards me that she has, I don't know, whatever it is but she dosen't like me she actually likes Jimin", He explained me in details. Except for me no other boys know that hyung has a feelings for Y/N. The day he get to meet with her, at night hyung said that he loves her but he would not interfere the relationship that is going to happen between Jimin and Y/N.

While were talking about this complicated topic I got a call from Suga hyungie. "Hello", We both said in unison. "What is it?", I asked. "Who was that boy with Y/N? Do you know? I have been going home from my work then I saw them. Who was he do you know?", Hyungie asked me. "No", I finished my answer in a single word. "What? Who was that guy? Did Jimin knows about him? Did you asked him about that boy? I mean is Jimin allowing her to roam around with a cute looking boy? What is happening can anyone tell me?", he continued with a ton of question of his regarding Y/N and that unknown boy which we don't have any idea who he is.

"I really have no idea what that guy was with Y/N and no we didn't asked Jimin about this and yes we have also seen Y/N and that guy talking and smiling together, meanwhile they passed right below our nose but didn't talked or noticed us, as well as you are confused about that mysterious boy we are too. Now please will you stop asking all the questions to me please", I finished answering while being angry on him.

"Then call Jimin and ask him about that mysterious boy", he shouted back to me. "Okay, but I have question", I said. "What?", he shouted again at me. "Why are you so curious about knowing the identity about that mysterious boy Y/N was with?", I asked being really confused. "I-I-I-I don't kn-now i-it's just a-a random curiosity, th-at's all", he answered while stammering, but 'why is he stammering' I thought, confused.

"Okay okay alright I'll call Jimin hyungie and ask him about that mysterious boy and let you know, who he is", I reassured him. "F-f-fine", he replied again by stammering. 'Why did he started stammering all of a sudden? What going on?' I thought being all confused.

"What happened? Is Suga hyung asking about that boy Y/N was with?", Tae hyungie asked me. "Yes, but what I am confused of is... why did hyung started stammering when I asked him about why he is so curious of that mysterious boy?", I asked him still confused. "Really? He was stammering?", hyung asked. "Yes, as if he is bothered by something, but what is it?", I asked. "I don't know", he said to me while going into a deep thought. I on the other hand being all confused by all my hyungie's confused action.


Okay soooooooo here I gave you some confused JK.

Singing off,
Abanti Paul💜

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