Chapter- 13

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Today the next day my mother died. I still can't believe that my mother is not with me and and can't even attend my wedding. I know in my wedding there will be more than one groom but still its a wedding and my mother will not be there with me.

I haven't said much about my mother before, she was a single mother. My mother got pregnant with me at the age of sixteen, and my father refused to the fact that its his child. Also after she got pregnant with me my grandparents refused to keep her in their house because they were ashamed of my mom's doing.

My mom never said anything to me about talking with any male friends ever. And always supported to be in a relationship whenever I feel like. When my mom told her story to me, I decided that I will never do a mistake like my mother did and I will make sure I meet a person who will not like my father. Today I will marry seven men where nobody is like my father, but still I am lil scared. I wish my mom was with me, to comfort me at least.

I am sitting at my room all dressed up for the wedding, only thinking about what happened to my life in just one day. My life had been totally ruined by that woman. She said she will destroy our lives and yes she already did because now I am feeling like one.

I don't know what the world thinking of me right now, but I can tell they are not thinking something good about me and us. I feel sorry for the boys, because of me there lives have also ruined.

I wish I would have not applied for this college. I wish I would not have meet with the boys. I wish I would have not liked Tae and have not kissed and whatever have happened between me and Jimin had not happened. I wish my mom had not brought her best friend and son to our house. I wish I had not allowed him(Hyunjin) to be my friend. I wish that I have not hit him with the vase and let him do what he was doing to me. I wish I can change whatever happened to me till now.

But the truth is nothing will change in my life.

My life has been ruined because of me. My mom is dead because of me. And boys life has been ruined because of me. I can never forgive myself ever again in rest of my life. I hate myself... a lot.

While I was thinking about my sins, a loud knock came to my door. I stood up and opened the door, its one of my aunt, my moms cousin sister who came to support me after whatever had happened.

"Lets go Y/N its time, grooms are waiting for you", said my aunt. "Oh.. yes lets go", I said almost like a whisper. "Everything will be fine, sweety. I am with you and your grandparents will be coming soon", my aunt said to me. But do you know what I don't want my grandparents at my wedding at all because I know they doesn't like me at all or else they would have never left my mom at that moment alone when she actually needed them the most. Anyways I have decided if they try to say anything to me I will defend for myself.

I left for the place where wedding is gonna take place. The whole place is decorated with white roses and place where we all will exchange our rings is decorated with white roses as well.

When I entered the room, all the seven boys waiting for me wearing black tuxedo looking very much handsome in it. I have never thought that I would have seven husbands at once.

I went to the platform where we all will stand and exchange rings.

Then the father started with the wedding rituals, after that we promise each other that how we will never leave each others side, how we will stuck to each other no matter what happens in our lives ahead. Like that we promise each other in seven different phrases. Then the ring exchange ceremony begins where father says, "You may exchange the rings". There is 7 rings for each boys and I put to there finger one by one then its my turn and when they opened the box where my ring is, I became stunned, its so pretty and unique. The ring says 7, where the seven in made with little diamonds. They put that pretty ring to my finger and that's how the ring ceremony completed.

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