Chapter- 16

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Its been about 2 months now since our marriage. And now we all have a idea how to leave our life nicely and happily. At first we all have to listen a lot of insults and bad words, especially me as I am the only girl married with seven men. But now I am used to it, before it used to effect me a lot. Now I know how to handle them. All our relationships are going well, with everyone.

Jimin, now no longer ignoring me and do you know one thing he actually told me that, on that day what Hyunjin said to him. As Jimin apologised me a ton of times for no reason, as I know its not his fault at all. Now what is fate will happen anyways.

Taehyung, who is most of the time busy with his work but still he makes time for me, isn't that cute? Very much cute.

Jungkook, who recently told me he started liking me now-a-days and that's good too.

Hobi, who asked me for more time and I honestly I am okay with that, I would not force him ofcourse.

Namjoon, who likes me too but he also said he used to had a girlfriend and because of the marriage they broke up and he still is in love with her, so, he needs time too; and I gave him time to get rid of his pain he got because of me.

Jin, who also said he started liking me and you won't believe he is a damn good kisser, I swear. The first day he confessed me that he likes me we then did a long ass kiss and it was amazing.

Yoongi, he too said he also used to like me since the day he meet with me, same as Tae.

I mean from these whole group used to love me since then. And after marriage one more added, oh no, two more added. And the rest they need some time as I am okay with it.

Today is two months one day after our marriage, they all are in work as I am alone in the house. I thought of making some cookies, firstly to kill the time till they doesn't arrive at home and secondly when I make cookies it really reminds me of my mom, as she used to make cookies for me.

As I was half the way of baking the cookies our doorbell rang. I instantly went to open the door and in front of that standing Yoongi. I instantly hug him and say, "Little Meow Meow, you home?", in a baby voice. "Yes, I am sweetheart", he replied.

I then ran towards the kitchen as the microwave started to tell me that the cookies are done. I then open I microwave and take the cookies outside and let it cool.

Yoongi after freshen up he also came to the kitchen and sat on top of the kitchen counter and took a piece of cookie and give a big bite on it. As it was still hot he instantly spit it out. That was really fun to watch huh!

Then again the door bell rang and this time Yoongi went to open it and it was Jungkook or JK. Yes he literally told me "You can call me JK if you want". I swear he is another cutie and yes thats true our house is full of cute people except for me... ha!

After opening the door Yoongi came into the kitchen, again he took his favourite throne the kitchen counter and again grabbed yet another cookie. I hit on his hand and said, "Now it enough of eating cookies as I didn't make much today and others will also eat". "That's none of my concern", he said. "Woah!! That's rude Mr. Min Yoongi", I told him. He then gave me a wired expression and took another cookie from the tray, basically to annoy me.

I thought of teasing him too, so I acted like I am angry because he is eating others cookies. And do you know his great weakness as he cannot see me angry or sad. So he kept back the cookie that he grabbed at last, and there I got him. And I started laughing out loud.

And he instantly understood that I got his back and he started to tickle me, and let me tell you I am very much ticklish. After few moments later he stopped tickling me and started to kiss me and that... was... good. Suddenly I can feel a tug at my hand and it was JK.

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