Chapter- 21

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I can hear some male voice taking and those voices sounds they are worry about somebody or someone. I cannot understand who was they talking about or who are they and most importantly why are they in my bedroom, why did mom allowed them to get into my bedroom.

"When will she wake up", some male voice spoke angrily. Okay so they might be talking about any female person. But again who are they and what are they doing here?

"Can anyone tell me when will Y/N wake up? Why is she taking so much time to recover?", asked someone who's voice seems familiar to me. Wait! Is that person talking about me?But what happened to me? I am sleeping and why are they concerned.

Then I tried wake up and slowly steadily I tried to open my eyes. And when I did a gush of light got stuck at my eyes so I instantly closed them.

"Oh! Sh-she is awake", again somebody shouted from right side of me seems like he is really close to me.

"Y/N baby try to open your eyes", said some familiar voice, as that voice sounds familiar and safe to me.

Following to that familiar voice I tried to open my eyes, slowly.

As I opened my eyes I saw who that familiar voice belongs to. Its someone I know, how can I not know until now who the voice belongs to, its non other then my first love Park Jimin.

He's looking a shed paler and his face looks like he haven't slept for years. Seeing him like that my heart ached.

The first question came to my mind is- why is he looking like that? What happened?

I tried to look around my surroundings and now realization hit me.

I am currently at hospital and the reason I am in hospital is because I tried to kill myself.

Now I got my previous questions answer that why is he looking like that... its all because of me, I created all this problems. And then I remembered all the things that Jin earlier said to me.

But why am I still alive? I should have been died till now.

I looked at Jimin who is still looking at me.

"Are you okay?", my words came out in a raspy voice.

He stared at me for few seconds and then replied with,"How can I be fine when you tried to kill yourself? You didn't even think about me? Do you love Jin hyung more than me? Or did I ever said you that you are the one who cause these thing? I always loved you more than anything. Than why? Why did you do like this to ME", he said the last word putting a bit pressure to it.

I thought to his words, and realized that Yes he's right, 'I didn't even think about him',' How can I be this selfish? I only thought about myself'.

Realizing all those things I started crying and also started saying sorry to Jimin continuously.

"I am really very sorry baby. I didn't meant to hurt you. I really didn't. I am sorry. When Jin said me all those things I lost it. I thought that all those things occured is because of me. I became all confused. And also selfish. I- I didn't even think about you and the others, I am so so so sorry. I-"

"Stop that. Its ok baby you don't have to apologize me or anybody else. I understand and others too, after all those words anybody will loose it. Its fine. Okay now how are you feeling now?"

"I am feeling okay. Can you give me some water?"

"Yeah sure."

He then stood up and went to the other side of my hospital bed and pour some water in a glass and handed it to me.

After having the water I feel like I am in heaven. I was that thirsty. After drinking a plenty of water I asked the very known question.

"Where are others?"

"They are outside. You want them to come in?"

I shook my head with a yes. He gave a smile and went outside and returned in a second with the other five boys but I was searching for Jin who didn't came in. I didn't asked for him to Jimin but I was worried about him. In spite of he side all those words to me but still for some reason I am worried for him.

One by one everyone asked me if I am okay or not. And at one time everyone left but Taehyung stayed with me and he said he wants to tell me something important that I should know.

Taehyung POV

I closed the door of Y/N's hospital room and was about to leave, then I found Y/N's doctor who is been checking and looking after her till now called me by my name from behind.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung"

"Yes? Doctor?"

"Y/N is ok now. So you all can take her home tomorrow. Okay"

Saying that he left.

After I went to home I told everyone what doctor told me.

Next morning we all went to hospital, and did all the paper works and took Y/N to home, safe and secure.


Well guys, sorry for the late update I am and was very sick these days that I couldn't able to write. I had a very saviour migraine pain and I became very much weak due to that that I was't able to walk from this distance to that. I hope you understand my situation.

This above story has been written before only, so I am updating it now.

Next chapter will be more better than this one. I promise.

And, one more thing, this story gonna end soon so stay prepared for the ending.😅☺

Singing off,
Abanti Paul💜

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