Chapter- 10

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I really started ignoring the whole group of them as because if I talk to anyone of them they will definitly ask me a ton of questions and I don't want to answer any of them. I know they really think I am a hoe by now because firstly I kissed Tae, and then Hyunjin. I know they don't even know who is he, but still.

Thoughts had been break by my mom when she tapped at my shoulder. I looked up at her and asked her, "What? Do you want anything?", I asked her.

"No baby, but, I want to ask you something. Is that okay with you if I ask about your personal life?", She asked me while staring at my eyes. "Yes mom ofcourse you can.", I assured her. "What happened to you baby? Why are you staying so off now-a-days? Is everything alright? Now only I saw you are staring into space, looked like you were deep in some thoughts. You can share with your mom whatever is going in your mind", she said, seems like she's very sad and its all because of me.

"Nothing mom, its just there is a lot of studies and alot of pressure, assignments, its just that mom, I am stressed thats all", I lied to mom because I couldn't tell mom anything about all the things that happened lately in my life.

"Really? Then you should take some rest baby. Get yourself some good amount of sleep. Each and every stress will go away. Okay?", She told me. I nodded to her and then she left the room.

I m sorry mom I can't tell you anything 'sorry'.

Y/N's mom POV

I left her room but one thing is for sure she is hiding something from me. I didn't ask her anything when I clearly understood that she lied to me, but how will I know what is going on in her mind. So I thought of asking Hyunjin about that. I asked him but he said clearly shocked me. I thought of clearing my baby's tension out. So I told Hyunjin to stay by her side by any means, not to leave her side.

And he said he would do his best to distract her from that boy Jimin.

Five weeks later

Jimin POV

Y/N is not even talking to me at college and always spending her time with that new comer boy Hyunjin, who I came to know is her mother's best friend's son.

And I am so sure that this guy Hyunjin is a psycho.

After the day Jungkook and Taehyung saw Y/N with that new boy she was with. I kinda always wondering who he is, but as Y/N had decided to ignore me, all because of Hee Jo. I became more upset. While I was thinking about all the mess that's happening in our life right now, I have been stopped by a voice.

"Hey, you Jimin right?", that boy who was with Y/N asked me. "Yes, I am. What do you want?", I asked him back. He suddenly started laughing and started circling around me, "I didn't expect that you would asked me that. You would not like to know who I am? Why I am always with Y/N?", He said in a very creepy voice.

"No, I am not interested in you a bit, so what you want just tell me or I am leaving", saying that I was about to leave then he stopped me by saying, "If its about Y/N's life, also our lover boy Jimin would not like to listen to me", he said in a taunting voice.

"What do you mean by that?", I asked confused as well as worried.

He again started laughing in a very weird way, "I am Hyunjin and I am Y/N's mother's best friend's son and I will make sure that she stays away from you, so that I could gain her attention and make her mine. I know now she is in love with you but I will make sure to make her forget you, so that I could win her heart", he said to me and walked away, but by then I am so much sure that he is a psycho. By the tone he talked to me and that face he was making. All is a sign of a psycho.

End of Flashback

From that day till today I didn't get a single chance to talk to Y/N because of that psycho, who always and everywhere goes with her. So me and the boys thought of a plan and today I will try and talk to her and tell her every single thing Hyunjin told to me that day.

So the plan was I would hide in the girls washroom and wait for Y/N to come, now how will I know when she will come. I knew it that everyday before during break she goes to washroom, as because I have observed her before executing this plan.

Today is the day, I will tell her every single thing. So I somehow entered to the washroom and stayed there and within like few minutes later Y/N entered, I came out from my hidden place and went infront of her, when she saw me she got scared and was about to shout but I hold her mouth and took her in one of the toilet.

"What are you doing here in the girls washroom Jimin?", she whisper yelled at me. "Sorry Y/N's but I need to talk to you a very urgent thing-", "Jimin I don't wanna talk to you about anything", she cut me off and was about to go. "I know that you love me and you didn't mean to kiss Tae and you hate whenever I talk with Hee Jo", I said and by hearing that she completely froze at her place.

Taking that as my advantage I turned her around to me and now we are standing face to face. "Listen carefully Y/N what I am going to say, if you don't listen to me now, you will regret it till your whole life and I don't want that at all because if you get harm I will blame myself for not telling you what I know now", I paused for a second.   

Then I again started, " Look Y/N I love You and I care for you, and I don't like Hee Jo at all she only all the time roams around with me. I tried a lot to get rid of her but nothing happened. I am sorry Y/N for hurting you. I am really sorry and I meant it", I said and assured her that I really love her. Listening to my words she started crying, I wiped her tears and hugged her and I gave her a kiss in her forehead.

After hugging her a few minutes I remembered about that psycho and break our hug and hold her face in my hands, "Now Y/N the reason I am here for the harm that gonna happen to you", I said to her.

She looked confused and she asked," What harm? Who will harm me? What are you taking about?", She started asking questions in confusion. "Yes harm, Y/N that boy Hyunjin is a psycho. I am telling you to stay away from him", I said in a very worried tone.

"Wait! Hyunjin is a psycho? How do you know? Wait? Are you saying this because you are jealous?", saying that she smiled at me. "No Y/N, actually yes I was jealous at first but now I am  worried and SERIOUS. Y/N listen to me carefully what I am saying its important and I am not joking at all", I almost yelled at her in a worried voice.

Seeing me so much serious she told me to continue.  Then I said her every single thing he said to me that day. And all the creepy laughs he gave to me.

After listening to the full story she kept silent for a few seconds. And she started," Ok Jimin I will try my best to stay away from him, but what I am thinking is how will I do that he literally stays with us. How will I do that".

"Well in that case I suggest you to ignore him in college and at home you go to your mom and tell her everything what I have said to you", I told her. She also agreed to me. Then her phone stared vibrating at her pocket. She took it out and the name reads Hyunjin.

I told her to answer it and he asked her why is she late as he is waiting for her in the canteen. She told her she got stuck with a friend in the washroom and she is coming, by saying that she ended the phone.

"I have to go now Jimin, or else he will come for me", She said. "Yeah you are right. Oh and one more thing if you get in any problem you can call me as well as to the other boys too. We will immediately come for you, okay", I told her. She nodded and we hugged each other one last time and then she left.

After she left about few seconds later I also left the washroom making sure that no one noticed me.



This chapter is quite long and I am quite satisfied by this chapter.
Hope you like it.

What do you guys think about this chapter?
[Let me know at the comments]

Singing off,
Abanti Paul💜

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