Chapter 26

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"Zayn? C'mere." Louis beckoned him over.

"Yeah?" He ambled over, hands in his pockets.

"Um basically, can you stop being a dick to Harry please?"


"And I know you're going to protest so I'm going to say it again. Stop being a dick to Harry. He's done nothing to deserve it and he has a lot going on."

"He's fucking gay Louis!" Zayn hissed, "not to mention he's a complete and utter loser. He's such a freak and he's always so bloody quiet."

"He has reasons for his quietness, and honestly who cares if he's gay? You only care because you've been brought up thinking it's wrong."

"It is wrong, it's not natural."

"You're not natural." Louis retaliated, immediately frowning at himself.

"I-what?" Zayn raised an eyebrow, "what sort of response is that?"

Louis shrugged, "I dunno." He muttered. "Just please. I know you think it's unnatural but it's not and you need to get your head around that. You're not going to get far being a homophobic bastard."

"Fine. Fine, for you. But I'm not suddenly going to be bezzie mates with him. He's honestly weird."

"He is not weird!" Louis protested. "But thank you, and Stan will try and persuade you to keep bullying him but promise me you won't."

"Promise." Zayn sighed, "what's the deal with you two anyway? Are you friends?"

"Yeah, my mum likes him and he's come over quite a lot so I've talked to him and he's really sweet. Like really sweet, I called hyenas ugly and he said it was mean. Like he's so precious you know." Louis gushed.

"It sounds like you're more than friends." He raised his eyebrows. "Are you gay?"

"What? No, course not. Plus, you know I'm dating Eleanor."

Zayn wrinkled his nose at the sound of her name. "I don't like her."

"Great. Why not?"

"Just don't." He shrugged, "she seems proper fake."

"Oh." Louis didn't know what to say to that.


"Harry, why don't you bring Niall and come and sit with us?" Louis asked as he came up behind Harry, begin to wash his hands.

"Where did you come from? You scared me." Harry jumped, putting a hand on his chest.

"The toilet." Louis laughed, "duh. Anyway, you wanna?"

"You sit in the canteen don't you?"

"Yeah, me, Zayn, Liam and Stan and sometimes Eleanor. But I'll keep Stan under control."

"Um, thank you but I can't. I don't like going in there, it's too busy."

"I'll come and sit with you then?"

"Will Zayn and Stan and Eleanor come?"

"I'm not sure. Will it be alright if they do?"

"Um, as I s'pose. As long as they're not mean."

"Alright. And if they are I'll like I don't know. I'll do something though. I'll go get them and meet you where you normally sit, yeah?"

"Okay." Harry nodded.


"Oi oi!" Louis shouted, Harry and Niall's heads snapping towards him.

"Hi." Harry smiled, immediately shying away as he noticed the boys behind him.

"Alright." Niall grinned, "sit."

Liam sat down first, next to Niall, Louis sitting next to Harry with Zayn in between.

"No Stan?" Niall quirked an eyebrow.

"Nah. He refused to come with so we've left him on his own." Louis smirked.

"Lighten up." Liam whispered to Zayn who was glaring as the ground.

Zayn shifted his glare to Liam before rolling his eyes.

Niall held out a sandwich for Harry who just shook his head, "c'mon Harry. You haven't had lunch all week." He sighed, "you can't keep denying the food because you feel bad."

Harry blushed, noticing the other boys had heard and were all staring at him. He took the sandwich as to avoid confrontation, unwrapping the clingfilm slowly. "Are you sure?"

"Course I'm bloody sure. You know I bring the extra for you. I wouldn't do that if I wasn't sure."

Harry felt his cheeks heat up again as he took a bite, closing his eyes at how good it tasted, especially after almost a week of no food. "Thank you."

Niall began to talk to Liam, Zayn soon joining in, leaving the pair to have their own conversation.

"What've you eaten this week?"

"I had an apple, but Stan took it." Harry admitted.

"So nothing?"


"Jesus Christ. You should've come to me. Or at least taken Niall's food."

"Felt bad. And I didn't want to say anything cause it's embarrassing."

"Look, I know about the problems you're having with money. There's no need to be embarrassed when talking to me about it. You can come to me whenever you need help."

"Okay." Harry nodded, "thank you."


"Hi mum, guess what. Louis hung out with me today, and his friends Liam and Zayn. I think I'm gonna have an actual group of friends." He grinned. "'m really happy about it, life isn't that good at the moment but this is helping. I've lost my job though, and nowhere else will take me. The only thing I've eaten this week was a sandwich Niall gave me today. But I haven't told Uncle John yet. He's gonna freak out. Well, it's getting dark out, I better go home. I'll come and visit you soon. I love you."

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