Chapter 31

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"Hi Lou!" Harry looked up, grinning as Louis walked through the front door, his smile quickly dropping as another figure walked through the door. Oh. Louis and Eleanor. He plastered a smile, much smaller than before, back onto his face, timidly muttering a small "hi Eleanor."

Eleanor scoffed, rolling her eyes, making Harry shrink back.

"Hi Haz." Louis smiled back, "we're going to be in my room if you need anything."

"Okay, cool." Harry nodded, feeling a little deflated. Louis had been staying at Eleanor's for the past few days and he never thought he'd say this but he missed him.

He waited for them to go upstairs before walking out into the kitchen, deciding he would bake something.

Jay, Mark and the girls had gone away for a few days, Harry had been invited but he declined, not wanting to ruin their family holiday. Plus, if Louis wasn't there he was sure he'd be more bored than being on his own. So over the past few days he had been baking and cooking a lot to keep himself busy.

He put his music on, beginning to dance and sing along as he started to bake his cake.

Half an hour later and he was still dancing and singing, jumping at someone cleared their throat from the doorway.

"Having fun?" Louis smirked.

"Um, yeah?" Harry smiled sheepishly, "'m making a cake."

"I can see that." He laughed, "you have flour on your face."

Harry blushed, ", did you want anything?"

"Well, I came down to get a drink for me and Eleanor but I got distracted by your twerking."

"I was not twerking." Harry crossed his arms, frowning.

"You so were."

"No I wasn't, I was just dancing."

"Twerking." Louis stated.


"Okay, whatever you say Curly." Louis laughed, grabbing two beers out of the fridge. "You have a beautiful voice by the way, oh and nice dance moves." He said with a wink before leaving Harry alone again.

Harry set the timer, making his way up to his room where he sat on his floor, unsure what to do now. He could probably do with getting some homework done as school was starting again in two days, but he really couldn't be bothered.

He let out a groan, falling backwards to lie on the floor as he heard Eleanor's loud laugh from the room next door.

Harry may or may not have fallen asleep there, awaking with a start as Louis burst into his room, "Harryyy, there's a beepy thing going off!"

"What?" Harry mumbled sleepily, rolling over and stretching.

"Beep beep beep, you know?"

"The fuck are you on about? And why did you wake me up?"

"You were asleep? Shit sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. Well I did, because there's a beepy thing going off in the kitchen, but I didn't know you were asleep."

"My cake!" Harry squeaked, jumping up and running downstairs. He immediately took the cake out the oven, forgetting to use oven gloves, he chucked it onto the side before rinsing his hand under cold water, mumbling a string of swear words.

"Are you alright?" Louis frowned at Harry who was trying not to cry.

"Burned my hand a bit, well it's not burned but the tin was boiling and ow it hurts." He bit his lip, looking to Louis with glassy eyes.

"Hey, it's alright. Just run your hand under cold water for a bit, it will be alright."

"Okay, okay." He nodded, relaxing slightly as Louis began to rub his back soothingly.

"Louis?" Eleanor called out.

"I didn't know she was still here, sorry, you can go and see her."

"No, no, she can come down here if she's that bothered."

"Louis? What are you doing?"

"Come down here." He replied.

"Ugh fine." She walked down the stares, immediately stopping and frowning, "what are you doing? Why are you touching him? You'll literally catch a disease."

Harry turned back to the sink, shrugging Louis's hand off with a small frown.

"What a shame." Louis said sarcastically, "well if I'll get a disease from touching him I hate to break it to you but I'll have passed it onto you. Come to think of it, I did notice you were looking a bit orange, are you feeling alright love?" He bit back his smirk, pressing a hand to her forehead as he faked a look of concern.

"Oh fuck off Louis, don't try to be funny. He's literally such a freak."

"And you have orange skin."

"It's called a tan." She placed one hand on her hip, glaring at him.

"Fake tan."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing...just you're like 10 shades too dark. You kinda look like an, well an orange."

Harry snorted, his free hand immediately flying up to cover his mouth.

"Something funny, fag?" She sneered.

"Okay, apologise right now."

"What? To him? Are you joking?"

"No I'm fucking not. Stop being a bitch."

"You always used to call him a fag and say he had a disease, what's the fucking difference?"

"Key word, used to. I finally realised how fucking wrong it is and I stopped, so what if he's gay? What's wrong with it? Nothing, absolutely nothing."

"Louis, he's a freak." She spat, Harry backing away from her.

"Get out."


"I said get out. We're done. We're over."

"What the fuck? Just like that?"

"Yes, just like that. Harry doesn't deserve to be treated that way. Plus, hate to break it to you love but you're toxic."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're a bitch and you try and put everyone down. You literally made fun of me earlier, and not in a bantery way. So goodbye." Louis shot her a sarcastic smile.

"I never liked you in the first place." She growled, flipping him off as she strutted out the door.

"Sure Jan!" Louis called after her, just before the door slammed shut.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked Louis immediately.

"I'm fine, to be honest I'm glad to be rid of her." Louis gave a little shake of his head, "she honestly was a bitch wasn't she?"

"A little bit." Harry winced.

"Don't under exaggerate." Louis let out a small laugh. "Is your hand alright?"

"Bit sore but I'm sure it will be alright. Do you wanna do something?"

"How about we just take a nap? Share my bed, yeah?"

"Okay." Harry beamed, giving a nod. "I'm here if you want to talk to me as well you know, 's not a one way system."

"Thank you Curly. C'mon, let's go sleep."

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