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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

"Am I really doing this?"

Jimi was standing in front of the UA gates. It was early in the morning and class had already started. She skipped school for this so she hoped it was worth it. Not like she was learning anything at her school.

She rubbed her nape and put the card the principal had "dropped" on her counter up to the scanner.

It scanned it and the giant gates opened.

She walked in and took a second to take in her surroundings. It was beautiful but she wasn't there to sightsee.

Making her way to the mouse man's office, she gleaned down at the map that he also "accidently dropped" when someone ran into her.

The girl fell to the ground with a thud while Jimi regained her balance.

"Oh. Sorry." Jimi offered her hand to the girl.

"It's fine!" The girl had pink skin and pink hair with two yellow horn things. She had bright yellow iris' but the rest of her eye's were black.

Jimi pulled her up and watched as the girl dusted her skirt off.

"I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Mina Ashido!" She smiled.

"Uh, Ito Jimi." Jimi replied.

"Nice to meet you Ito! I've gotta go before I'm more late than I already am. See ya!" Min spirited away, leaving Jimi dumbfounded.

She shook it off and continued to wander the halls until she found the room she was looking for.

Jimi knocked on the door once and went to do so again but the door opened widely.

"Ah! You came!" The mouse, who she now deemed Nezu based on the nameplate, exclaimed.

"Yeah. My school's shit and this school's smart. I also thought it would be rude of me to not come after you and your grumpy sidekick so graciously infiltrated my home." She faked a pout.

In the room with Nezu was the one and only, grumpy sidekick.

"Great! You'll start today." Nezu said, ignoring her remark. "I have your uniform and supplies all ready for you. You'll be in Aizawa's class, class 1-A. The hero course!"

"Woah. I have some demands first." Jimi stopped the man from speaking any further. She was getting a headache.

"Of course."

"I want a month trial. If I don't think being a hero is for me, I want to be able to drop out and go back to school without any problems. And only because this school is rich, I want my rent paid every other month from you. If I go here, I'm going to need more time to study and that can't work with my after school job." She said.

"All that can be arranged! You have one month to see if you like it here at UA and we'll pay your rent in full."

Jimi was going to protest when he said "in full" but who was she not to accept money from a rich man?

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