Bonus | Part One

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Third Person POV

Lately, Jimi has been hanging out with Jirou a lot and Mina wasn't liking it. She would disappear for hours on end, leaving Mina to wonder what she was doing. Mina liked Jirou, but something about this didn't feel right.

So, one day when Jimi was with Jirou, Mina decided to knock on Jirou's door to see what was happening.

"Come in!" She heard from the other side.

When Mina opened the door, she found Jimi sitting on Jirou's bed, papers everywhere. Jirou was sitting on the floor. Jirou had a guitar in her arms while Jimi had a pair of drumsticks.

"Mina!" Jimi quickly exclaimed, moving to tuck away the papers.

Mina furrowed her brows, a small frown on her face.

"Uh, hi. Sorry, can I talk to you for a second, Jimi?" Mina apologized.

"Sure." Jimi took the stack of papers she had behind her back and passed them to Jirou, who hid them just as fast as Jimi had done.

The two left the room.

"What's up?" Jimi asked.

"I just-" Mina avoided eye contact at all costs.

Jimi noticed this. So she grabbed Mina's chin gently and tilted her head up so they were eye-to-eye.

"What's wrong, love?" Jimi said in that sweet, alto voice that made Mina feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Why- why are you hanging out with Jirou so much?" She finally asked.

Jimi's eyes widened a bit. "We're writing a song together."

In that moment, Mina felt a little better but the bad feeling she's been having for a few days was still there.

"Oh, okay." She smiled the best fake smile she ever could.

"I can pack up and we can head to my dorm to cuddle, if you want?" Jimi suggested.

And suddenly, all worries were washed away for a second.

"Yes!" Mina cheered, jumping into Jimi's arms.


It didn't stop.

Jimi kept going over to Jirou's dorm. And more often now. Mina had a really bad feeling about it.

During lunch, she noticed Jimi and Jirou weren't there. So she looked around a bit and foudn the outside of 1-A's classroom.

Jimi was giving Jirou one of her hoodies. And to make it worse, it was Mina's favorite hoodie.

She was livid. The first thing that came to mind was: Why would she cheat on me?

Mina loved Jimi. She thought she felt the same. She always acted so lovingly around her. What happened? Was she not good enough?

Not able to hold in her tears, she sprinted to the bathroom and spent the rest of lunch there.


It was now time to go back to the dorms, which was only a five minute walk away from campus.

Mina stepped out of the doors of U.A, without Jimi for once.

She sighed, "Of course it's raining."

Mina looked down sadly. Why didn't Jimi love her anymore?


She tensed when she heard the familiar voice she loved so dearly behind her.

Jimi dropped her smile when Mina didn't do anything, so she gently placed her hand on Mina's shoulder, only to have her jump away.

"Mina?" She asked quietly.

"I-" Mina choked on her tears.

"What's wrong, love?"

"Don't- don't call me that." Mina stuttered, tears now falling freely.

"Why? What happened? Did I do something?" Jimi asked, very confused now.

Mina couldn't take it, so she started to walk off, not caring about the rain.

By now, their entire class was watching by the entrance but the two girls didn't notice.

Before Mina got away, Jimi caught her wrist. Knowing she wouldn't face her on her own will, she turned her towards her.

"What did I do?" Jimi asked.

"What have you really been doing with Jirou?" Mina questioned.

Jimi could tell she was crying, even thought the rain made it less obvious.

"N-nothing." Jimi stuttered.

The others behind her couldn't hear what they were talking about, but based on the tensity in the air, it wasn't good. Even Bakugo and Todoroki were paying close attention.

"Please stop lying. You could have told me you didn't love me anymore instead of sneaking around with her." Mina cried.

Jimi's eyes widened. "I still love you! I always will. I'd never cheat on you."

"Stop. It hurts enough as it is." Mina begged, ripping her wrist away from Jimi.

"Please don't do this." Jimi begged, knowing what Mina was doing. She could feel tears of her own welding up.

"I loved you. So much. You were my everything," Mina whispered. "But you seem happier with her."

"No. No!" Jimi reached out as Mina started walking away.

"Mina, please! I love you. Let me explain!" Jimi let the tears flow free as she watched the love of her life leave.

She went to run after her, but a few strong pairs of arms grabbed her arms and pulled her back.

"Let me go!" She lashed in their grip, not bothering to see who it was.

"I don't know the full story, but she needs time, Ito!" Kirishima, one of the people holding her back said.

"Please." She whimpered, falling on her knees as she watched Mina's retreating figure disappear.

Jimi just felt her heart break.

The last thing she heard before passing out was: "Someone get Mr. Aizawa!"

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