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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

The day's passed and the internship's got closer.

The day of, everyone met up at the train station as Aizawa gave a quick briefing. Jimi, of course, made her way to Mina and hugged her from behind, setting her chin on her head.

"Everyone has their costumes, right? Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet. And don't lose them or anything." Aizawa said.

Mina excitedly yelled "Gotcha!". Aizawa scolded her from improper grammar.

Mina turned to Jimi and hugged her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too. Stay safe." Jimi inhaled Mina's sweet scent that she loved so much.

"Alright, Tokoyami. Wdaya say we get going?" Jimi left Mina and walked towards the bird-boy.

He nodded and the two boarded the train.

When the duo arrived in Kyosho, Jimi led a lost Tokoyami to the Hawks agency.

"How do you know your way around here?" He asked.

"I've been everywhere. Know my way around. I'm more street smart than book smart." Jimi said.

"But you get high grades on everything."

"Guess that goes to show how not having friends can impact some good too." She chuckled.

When they entered the tall building, there was someone already waiting for them.

"If he's in his office, I have no reason to waste your time by showing us where it is. But thank you." Jimi bowed to the lady who never got a chance to speak before the red-head walked off, dragging the still confused boy with her.

They entered the elevator. "Top floor bullshit. He doesn't need an entire floor. Just because the son of a bitch can fly." She mumbled

"I take it you've been here before?" Tokoyami put the pieces together.

"Like I said, I've been everywhere. That includes the dumbest hero I know, office." She nodded.

The elevator dinged, signaling that they've made it to their floor.

First thing they met was a face full of feathers.

"Keigo." Jimi growled.

"Jimi." He mocked. He didn't like when Jimi used his first name. "Nice to see-"

"Yawn. This is Tokoyami Fumikage. Your intern."

"Did- did you just say the word yawn?" Tokoyami looked like he ran out of bird seed to Jimi.



"Tokoyami, I have one of my sidekicks ready to take you out on patrol. I'm gonna deal with her and then all my attention will be with you, okay?" Hawks smiled at Tokoyami who nodded and left the room.

"I don't see why you need me for this." Hawks said as he and Jimi walked to his huge balcony.

"Because you need to catch me when I fall. And you know more about flying than anyone else I know. So some tips would be nice." Jimi winked playfully at him.

"Alright. How do you wanna do this?" Hawks asked, stepping off the balcony and flying just in front of her.

"I'll just jump. If I yell, come get me. I don't wanna splatter." Jimi said.

Jimi tore away any kind of metal Hawks had in his room and attached it to her back. A pair of metal wings were formed. She flapped them around a bit to get used to them.

"Aw man. I liked that desk." Hawks groaned.

"Poor baby." Jimi didn't hesitate to take a swan dive off the balcony, attempting to open her wings and flap them. (A/N: See what I did there?)

"Dammit. Hey!" She yelled after she got more than fifty feet within the ground.

Within a second, Hawks swooped down and carried her safely to the ground.

"Damn. What's this made of?" Jimi rolled her shoulders.


"I know that stupid. I mean what kind?"

"Oh. Osmium I think. It stays put when I have to fly in." He grinned.

"That's why. You have the heaviest metal as your desk." Jimi detached the wings and reassembled his desk.

"I need magnesium. If I have that, I'll probably get it first try. Or second in this case." She said.

"Uh. I can call some people." Hawks rubbed his nape.


After a few phone calls, Jimi got the magnesium from Hawks and they went to try again.

"Alright." Jimi sighed, diving off the balcony again.

She got some tips from Hawks and merged them with her own. She kept the thinner sheets of metal close to her back and when she was around twenty-five feet away from the ground, she opened them and was absolutely amazed when she started to soar.

"You did it!" She heard Hawks cheer at her from behind.

She felt a new found confidence spark in her and did some more dives and twists and turns. Of course, almost running into a building but she got the hang of it quickly.

"This is awesome!" She cheered.

She stopped mid-air and waited for Hawks to come to her.

"That was good! Looks like you didn't need me much after all." He grinned.

"Yeah I did. You got the metal and saved me from becoming sidewalk splatter. Thank you, Keigo. I mean it." She smiled at him.

He smiled back.

The two of them raced back to the office. Hawks winning of course. Jimi claimed it was because of her lack of experience.

She easily scrunched the magnesium into a small ball that she could carry around in her pocket. She can easily expand into her wings when necessary.

Tokoyami was back from patrol when Hawks and Jimi were done.

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