Chapter 11

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A/n: I messed up on the last chapter,chapter 9 was the first one then hurt was the 10th chapter sorry for the mix ups.

Trevae POV

I was awoken from my mom and she was asking me what was wrong..

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothin mama"I said as I walked to the bathroom

"Trevae bring yo ass back here right now!!"

"Yes ma'am"

"Now what is wrong with you I can feel it in my bones something is wrong with you"she said as she touch my face.

I started breaking down crying in my momma's arms


"Who baby who!?!?!"I just sat there quiet and she told me to tell her when I was ready which was going to be never.

I got

in the shower again and put on(in multimedia) and put in lotion and walked down stairs and saw trevon and his bitch ass friends,and yana at the dining table, and twan ugly ass turned around gone talking bout sum

"Damn you tryna go another round?"

I just walked in the kitchen and asked yana what she wanted to eat and she said hot wings and pizza so I just ordered Dominos and sat down and helped her with her math homework then the bell rung and I got up to get the door the door and it was the pizza people I paid them and went in the kitchen and gave yana 2 prices of everything and some apple juice and I sat down and ate with her and inve she got done I gave her a bath and she said she was scared to go to sleep by herself so I let her sleep with me,and they kept being loud downstairs do I went down and told them shut the hell up,and went back upstairs to go back to sleep.

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