chapter 29

609 18 4

*7 months later*

Yana pov

I am now 8 months pregnant having twin boys I know wtf am I supposed to do with TWINS but IG today is the

Baby shower and no me and Xavier is not together but he going to be in the kids life but I took  shower and put on (in multi) and straightened my hair and put on my hat and walked downstairs to see everybody here including drew.

"Hey drew"I said tryna hug him

"Hey,hey lil mans he said kissing my stomachs"after I ate and stuff I was opening  a present when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I peed on myself.


we got up and left out the house and we sped to the hospital and when we got there they got me on a gurney and put me in the back and I had to started pushing instally I was pushing really hard when I heard a cry I sighed and started pushing again and heard another cry they took the babies and cleaned them and bought them back I tried calling Xavier but he didn't avswer so I said fuck it and just took care if my babies.

I know it's short but damn Xavier why u ain't show up???

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