FIFTEEN: "Thanks, Little Bird"

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CHAPTER FIFTEEN: "Thanks, Little Bird"


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THERE WERE TWO ASSASSINS CLOSE TO HAPPY HARBOR THAT NIGHT. One was considered active and high ranked, whereas the other one was personally hand picked by Talia Al Ghul herself, one that she took in after finding them alone, no home nor family. The heir to the Demon's Head thought that the assassin would be well on their way to becoming one of the best in the League of Shadows, their age never once affected how high they ranked.

Silently, the hooded one dressed in traditional League of Shadows wear leaped onto the tall fence, scaling the height before jumping back down. Miss Martian and Artemis didn't even notice her dark figure being concealed by the darkness, too busy with their own mental conversation to notice. They didn't even pick up on the faint rattle their quiver gave as they touched down to the ground.

          As the handpicked assassin stalked through the halls of the school building, they drew the bow over their shoulders and slid an arrow into the drawstring. Their footsteps were silent as the crept through the hallways before freezing, spotting the correct room down the end, unguarded due to the fact the the speedster was taken care of by the other assassin.

Silently, the assassin stepped towards the door, peeking through the slight opening, and swiftly raising the bow and arrow. Accuracy was usually this assassin's forté, but they didn't account for the Atlantean guarding Roquette.

The arrow dug into his skin as he swiftly push the doctor out of the way and took the hit.

"Hm, heroic," came a hollow voice, the tone of it easily giving away that it was a girl, and judging by the height, a young one. "These arrows are quite sharpened, that had to have hurt."

"Atlantean skin is quite dense," Aqualad responded, taking his water bearers out of their individual holsters, the oceanic shade lighting up the darkened room.

The girl didn't respond that time, drawing another arrow and firing it at the Team's elected leader, who quickly swiped it away, not expecting the younger fighter to lunge forward. Her black bow slashed forward, colliding with the oceanic sword whilst forcing him back slowly.

She avoided each attack with ease, bouncing up and flipping back to avoid being slashed by the blade. "Do you wanna come out now?" She snapped as she deflected another slash, the drawstring of her bow whipping Aqualad leg. The Atlantean yelled out in pain, a graze instantly becoming visible across his skin. Atlantean skin may be dense, but it isn't impenetrable.

             Two shurikens came soaring through the door, the whizzing sound they made as they cut through the air making the assassin duck before flicking her head back up to see them dig into Aqualad's arm. Cheshire soon emerged, peeking her head around the corner and instantly causing the Doctor to cower further away from the two.

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