NINETEEN: "Immortality is no gift"

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CHAPTER NINETEEN: "Immortality is no gift"

CHAPTER NINETEEN: "Immortality is no gift"

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August 22nd, 01:30 EST

CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY FOR THE JUSTICE LEAGUE THAT YEAR. The reappearance of Nova Star was one that meant the entire world to the founding members of the organisation, each of them having missed the woman more then what they let one.

           She gratefully hugged every single one of them, greeting them with a massive grin and finally feeling okay with everything that's happened in her recent memories. Being around this many superpowered individuals resulted in her feeling a lot safer, the thought of the being that tortured her coming to find her again being nothing but a faded memory.

           But there was one person that she was anxious to meet again, one that brought light to even her darkest times and in many ways became the very person that helped her stay optimistic and hopeful. She was never able to repay him though, instead being forced to leave without saying goodbye. Nova knew that Hal wouldn't be happy regarding that, but she couldn't blame him. She honestly expected the Green Lantern to hate her.

           With Faith back on earth alongside the Team, and the Helmet of Fate placed safely in Mount Justice, Nova wa finally allowed to let herself adjust to the new world she was placed into. One that has changed an incredible amount in the years she had been away. The Watchtower was an odd place, something that really was unexplainable in Nova's old gaze. Seven years ago, she didn't think something like this would have ever been possible, yet there she was. Standing in a tower that orbited the earth all day, everyday.

"It's pretty cool isn't it?" Diana chuckled as she saw the immortal's stunned expression, eyes focused on Earth and focused on how gorgeous the planet was from this far away.

          Nova rapidly nodded. "It's unlike everything I have ever seen. Of course, I've seen Earth from this distance but it's just... different, in a good way of course."

"So, you approve of how we've handled things without your extraordinary wisdom," Barry exaggerated, grunting as Diana elbowed him, her strength making him stumble to the side before stabalising himself.

"I think J'onn had enough of that to share," Clark reminded him, patting Nova's shoulder who suddenly looked up at as if remembering something.

"I met you're daughter by the way," she suddenly spoke up, grinning up at the much taller hero. "She's a good kid, I can tell. You did good Boy Scout." The Man of Steel simply smiled.

            "I told you she wasn't dead!" suddenly came a much familiar voice as the four were hit by a vibrant green light. "I told you but, no one believed me."

            Nova yelped in surprise as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist, embracing her tightly with a wave of nostalgia flowing over him whilst he held her body close to his, something he had wished and longed to do for so long. And it wasn't at all threatening for the immortal, instead feeling familiar and comforting. But she was surprised to find him so ecstatic instead of infuriated.

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